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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title XIII - COMMERCE » Chapter 514F - UTILIZATION AND COST CONTROL

Section 514F.1 – Utilization and cost control review committees.

514F.1 Utilization and cost control review committees. The licensing boards under chapters 148, 149, 151, and 152 shall establish utilization and cost control review committees of licensees under the respective chapters, selected from licensees who have practiced in Iowa for at least the previous five years, or shall accredit and designate other utilization and cost […]

Section 514F.2 – Utilization and cost control.

514F.2 Utilization and cost control. Nothing contained in the chapters of Title XIII, subtitle 1, of the Code shall be construed to prohibit or discourage insurers, nonprofit service corporations, health maintenance organizations, or self-insurers for health care benefits to employees from providing payments of benefits or providing care and treatment under capitated payment systems, prospective […]

Section 514F.3 – Preferred providers.

514F.3 Preferred providers. The commissioner of insurance shall adopt rules for preferred provider contracts and organizations, both those that limit choice of specific provider and those that do not. The rules adopted shall include, but not be limited to, the following subjects: preferred provider arrangements and participation requirements, health benefit plans, and civil penalties. 88 […]

Section 514F.4 – Utilization review requirements.

514F.4 Utilization review requirements. 1. A third-party payor which provides health benefits to a covered individual residing in this state shall not conduct utilization review, either directly or indirectly, under a contract with a third-party who does not meet the requirements established for accreditation by the utilization review accreditation commission, national committee on quality assurance, […]

Section 514F.5 – Experimental treatment review.

514F.5 Experimental treatment review. 1. A carrier, as defined in section 513B.2, or a plan established pursuant to chapter 509A for public employees, that limits coverage for experimental medical treatment, drugs, or devices, shall develop and implement a procedure to evaluate experimental medical treatments and shall submit a description of the procedure to the division […]

Section 514F.6 – Credentialing — retrospective payment.

514F.6 Credentialing — retrospective payment. 1. The commissioner shall adopt rules to provide for the retrospective payment of clean claims for covered services provided by a physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant during the credentialing period, once the physician, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician assistant is credentialed. 2. For purposes of this […]

Section 514F.7 – Use of step therapy protocols.

514F.7 Use of step therapy protocols. 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section: a. “Authorized representative” means the same as defined in section 514J.102. b. “Clinical practice guidelines” means a systematically developed statement to assist health care professionals and covered persons in making decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances and conditions. […]