515A.1 Purpose of chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public welfare by regulating insurance rates to the end that they shall not be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory, and to authorize and regulate cooperative action among insurers in rate making and in other matters within the scope of this chapter. Nothing […]
515A.10 Advisory organizations. 1. Every group, association or other organization of insurers, whether located within or outside of this state, which assists insurers which make their own filings or rating organizations in rate making, by the collection and furnishing of loss or expense statistics, or by the submission of recommendations, but which does not make […]
515A.11 Joint underwriting or joint reinsurance. 1. Every group, association or other organization of insurers which engages in joint underwriting or joint reinsurance, shall be subject to regulation with respect thereto as herein provided, subject, however, with respect to joint underwriting, to all other provisions of this chapter and, with respect to joint reinsurance, to […]
515A.12 Examinations. The commissioner shall, at least once in five years, make or cause to be made an examination of each rating organization licensed in this state as provided in section 515A.6 and the commissioner may, as often as the commissioner may deem it expedient, make or cause to be made an examination of each […]
515A.13 Rate administration. 1. The commissioner shall promulgate reasonable rules and statistical plans, reasonably adapted to each of the rating systems on file with the commissioner, which may be modified from time to time and which shall be used thereafter by each insurer in the recording and reporting of its loss and countrywide expense experience, […]
515A.14 False or misleading information. No person or organization shall willfully withhold information from, or knowingly give false or misleading information to, the commissioner, any statistical agency designated by the commissioner, any rating organization, or any insurer, which will affect the rates or premiums chargeable under this chapter. A violation of this section shall subject […]
515A.15 Assigned risks. 1. Agreements shall be made among insurers with respect to the equitable apportionment among them of insurance which may be afforded applicants who are in good faith entitled to but who are unable to procure such insurance through ordinary methods and such insurers may agree among themselves on the use of reasonable […]
515A.15A Deductible policies in workers’ compensation. The commissioner may enter an order under section 515A.18 to assure availability within this state of a policy under this chapter which provides as part of the policy, or as an endorsement to the policy, an option for a deductible related to benefits payable under a policy issued pursuant […]
515A.15B Applicants unable to procure insurance through ordinary methods. An agreement among licensed insurers to offer workers’ compensation insurance for applicants unable to procure workers’ compensation insurance through ordinary methods shall be administered by a rating organization licensed under this chapter. 98 Acts, ch 1057, §10
515A.16 Premiums. An agent shall not knowingly charge, demand, or receive a premium for any policy of insurance except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. [C50, 54, 58, 62, §515A.16, 515B.15; C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §515A.16] 93 Acts, ch 88, §21 Referred to in §515A.11
515A.17 Penalties. 1. The commissioner may, if the commissioner finds that any person or organization has violated any provision of this chapter, impose a penalty of not more than one thousand dollars for each such violation, but if the commissioner finds such violation to be willful the commissioner may impose a penalty of not more […]
515A.18 Hearing procedure and judicial review. 1. Any person, insurer or rating organization to which the commissioner has directed an order made without a hearing may, within thirty days after notice to it of such order, make written request to the commissioner for a hearing thereon. The commissioner shall hear such party or parties within […]
515A.19 Laws affected. Compliance with this chapter shall not be deemed to be a violation of section 515.140. [C50, 54, 58, 62, §515A.19, 515B.18; C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §515A.19] 2007 Acts, ch 152, §78 Referred to in §515A.11
515A.19A Rules. The commissioner may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A as necessary and convenient to administer this chapter. 2008 Acts, ch 1123, §40
515A.2 Definitions — scope of chapter. 1. As used in this chapter: a. “Commissioner” means the commissioner of insurance. b. “Insurance” means workers’ compensation liability insurance. c. “Insurer” means an insurer which issues a policy of workers’ compensation liability insurance. d. “Policy” means a policy of workers’ compensation liability insurance. e. “Rate” means a rate […]
515A.3 Making of rates. 1. Rates shall be made in accordance with the following provisions: a. Rates shall not be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory. b. Due consideration shall be given to past and prospective loss experience within and outside this state; to catastrophe hazards; to a reasonable margin for underwriting profit and contingencies; to […]
515A.4 Rate filings. 1. a. Every insurer shall file with the commissioner every manual, minimum, class rate, rating schedule or rating plan and every other rating rule, and every modification of any of the foregoing which it proposes to use. Every such filing shall state the proposed effective date thereof, and shall indicate the character […]
515A.5 Disapproval of filings. 1. If within the waiting period or any extension thereof as provided in section 515A.4, subsection 4, the commissioner finds that a filing does not meet the requirements of this chapter, the commissioner shall send to the insurer or rating organization which made such filing, written notice in a printed or […]
515A.6 Rating organizations. 1. a. A corporation, an unincorporated association, a partnership, or an individual, whether located within or outside this state, may make application to the commissioner for a license as a rating organization for such kinds of insurance, or subdivision or class of risk or a part or combination thereof as are specified […]
515A.7 Uniform rating plans and deviations. 1. a. Every insurer shall adhere to the filings made on its behalf by a rating organization except that any such insurer may file a deviation from the class rates, schedules, rating plans, or rules, or a combination thereof for approval by the commissioner. The deviation filed shall specify […]