517.1 Reserve required. Every corporation, association, company, or reciprocal exchange writing any of the several classes of insurance authorized by section 515.48, subsection 5, paragraph “d”, shall maintain reserves for outstanding losses under insurance against loss or damage from accident to or injuries suffered by an employee or other person and for which the insured […]
517.2 Terms defined. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. a. “Earned premiums” shall include gross premiums charged on all policies written, including all determined excess and additional premiums, less returned premiums, other than premiums returned to policyholders as dividends, and less reinsurance premiums and premiums on policies canceled, and less […]
517.3 Distribution of unallocated payments. 1. a. All unallocated liability loss expense payments made in a given calendar year subsequent to the first four years in which an insurer has been issuing liability policies shall be distributed as follows: (1) Thirty-five percent shall be charged to the policies written in that year. (2) Forty percent […]
517.4 Reports required. Each insurer that writes liability or compensation policies shall include in the annual statement required by law a schedule of its experience thereunder in such form as the commissioner of insurance may prescribe. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §9028; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §517.4] […]
517.5 Inspection not basis for civil liability. No inspection of any place of employment made by insurance company inspectors or other inspectors inspecting for group self-insurance purposes shall be the basis for the imposition of civil liability upon the inspector or upon the insurance company employing the inspector or upon any group organized for self-insurance […]
517.6 Issuance of employers’ liability coverage. An insurer intending to issue a policy providing employers’ liability insurance only and covering a corporate officer excluded from workers’ compensation coverage by the signing of a written rejection of workers’ compensation coverage under section 87.22, shall file the policy with and obtain the approval of the commissioner of […]