535.1 Denominations of money. The money of account of this state is the dollar, cent, and mill, and all public accounts, and the proceedings of all courts in relation to money, shall be kept and expressed in the above denominations. Demands expressed in money of another denomination shall not be affected by the provisions of […]
535.10 Home equity line of credit. 1. As used in this chapter, the term “home equity line of credit” means an arrangement pursuant to which all of the following are applicable: a. The amounts borrowed and the interest and other charges are debited to an account. b. The interest is computed on the account periodically. […]
535.11 Finance charge on accounts receivable. 1. Except where the parties have agreed in writing for the payment of a different finance charge or rate of interest, a creditor may charge a finance charge on the unpaid balances of an account receivable at a rate not exceeding that permitted by subsection 3 or 4 of […]
535.12 Loans by agricultural credit corporation. 1. An agricultural credit corporation may lend money pursuant to a written promissory note or other writing evidencing the loan obligation, at a rate of interest which is not more than four percentage points above the lending rate in effect at the farm credit bank of Omaha, Nebraska, for […]
535.13 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Agricultural products” includes agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, and dairy products, livestock, wildlife, poultry, bees, forest products, fish and shellfish, and any products thereof, including processed and manufactured products, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and any processed or manufactured […]
535.14 Prompt crediting of payment on loans secured by residential real property. A lender is subject to the requirements set forth in section 537.3206, regarding the prompt crediting of payments, with respect to a loan secured by a lien or security interest on owner-occupied residential real property. For purposes of this section, “residential real property” […]
535.15 Open-end credit and credit card disclosure. Repealed by 99 Acts, ch 73, §1.
535.16 Delivery of copies of debt documents. 1. A lender or other secured party shall provide to a debtor, at the time a document relating to a debt is signed, a copy of the document signed by the debtor. Receipt of a copy required by this section may be acknowledged anywhere on the document or […]
535.17 Requirements of credit agreements — statute of frauds — modifications. 1. A credit agreement is not enforceable in contract law by way of action or defense by any party unless a writing exists which contains all of the material terms of the agreement and is signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. […]
535.18 Consumer credit terms for service members — enforcement. The superintendent of banking and the superintendent of credit unions, as applicable, shall have the authority to enforce the consumer protection provisions of 10 U.S.C. §987 concerning limitations on terms of consumer credit extended to service members and their dependents. 2010 Acts, ch 1171, §5
535.2 Rate of interest. 1. Except as provided in subsection 2, the rate of interest shall be five cents on the hundred by the year in the following cases, unless the parties shall agree in writing for the payment of interest at a rate not exceeding the rate permitted by subsection 3: a. Money due […]
535.3 Interest rate — judgments and decrees — periodic compensation payments. 1. a. Interest shall be allowed on all money due on judgments and decrees of courts at a rate calculated according to section 668.13. b. Notwithstanding paragraph “a”, interest due pursuant to section 85.30 shall accrue from the date each compensation payment is due […]
535.4 Illegal rate prohibited — usury. No person shall, directly or indirectly, receive in money or in any other thing, or in any manner, any greater sum or value for the loan of money, or upon contract founded upon any sale or loan of real or personal property, than is in this chapter prescribed. [R60, […]
535.5 Penalty for usury. If it is ascertained in an action brought on a contract that a rate of interest has been contracted for, directly or indirectly, in money or in property, greater than is authorized by this chapter, the rate shall work a forfeiture of eight cents on the hundred by the year upon […]
535.7 Assignee of usurious contract. Any assignee of a usurious contract, becoming such in good faith in the usual course of business and without notice of such fact, may recover of the usurer the full amount of the consideration paid by the assignee therefor, less any sum that may have been realized on the contract, […]
535.8 Loan charges limited. 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires: a. “Lender” means a person who makes or originates a loan; a person who is identified as a lender on the loan documents; a person who arranges, negotiates, or brokers a loan; and a person who provides any goods […]
535.9 Prepayment penalties on loans secured by real estate mortgages prohibited. 1. As used in this section, “loan” means a loan of money which is wholly or in part to be used for the purpose of purchasing real property which is a single-family or a two-family dwelling occupied or to be occupied by the borrower, […]