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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title XIII - COMMERCE » Chapter 554 - UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE

Section 554.10101 – Effective date.

554.10101 Effective date. 1. Except as otherwise provided in Article 11 of this chapter, this chapter shall take effect and be in force on and after July 4, 1966. It applies to transactions entered into and events occurring after that date. 2. Transactions validly entered into before the effective date specified in this section and […]

Section 554.10103 – General repealer.

554.10103 General repealer. Except as provided in section 554.7103, all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this chapter are hereby repealed. [C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §554.10103] 2009 Acts, ch 133, §171; 2015 Acts, ch 29, §101 Referred to in §554.11102

Section 554.10105 – Secretary of state exempted from personal liability.

554.10105 Secretary of state exempted from personal liability. 1. The secretary of state and the secretary’s employees or agents are hereby exempted from all personal liability as a result of errors or omissions in the performance of any duty required by the Uniform Commercial Code, as provided in this chapter, except in cases of willful […]

Section 554.1101 – Short titles.

554.1101 Short titles. 1. This chapter may be cited as the Uniform Commercial Code. 2. This Article may be cited as Uniform Commercial Code — General Provisions. [C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §554.1101] 2007 Acts, ch 41, §1

Section 554.1102 – Scope of Article.

554.1102 Scope of Article. This Article applies to a transaction to the extent that it is governed by another Article of this chapter. 2007 Acts, ch 41, §2, 57

Section 554.1103 – Construction of this chapter to promote its purposes and policies — applicability of supplemental principles of law.

554.1103 Construction of this chapter to promote its purposes and policies — applicability of supplemental principles of law. 1. This chapter must be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and policies, which are: a. to simplify, clarify, and modernize the law governing commercial transactions; b. to permit the continued expansion of commercial […]

Section 554.1104 – Construction against implied repeal.

554.1104 Construction against implied repeal. This chapter being a general Act intended as a unified coverage of its subject matter, no part of it shall be deemed to be impliedly repealed by subsequent legislation if such construction can reasonably be avoided. [C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §554.1104] 2007 Acts, ch 41, §4

Section 554.1105 – Severability.

554.1105 Severability. If any provision or clause of this chapter or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable. […]

Section 554.1106 – Use of singular and plural — gender.

554.1106 Use of singular and plural — gender. In this chapter, unless the statutory context otherwise requires: 1. words in the singular number include the plural, and those in the plural include the singular; and 2. words of any gender also refer to any other gender. 2007 Acts, ch 41, §7, 57

Section 554.1107 – Section captions.

554.1107 Section captions. Section captions are parts of this chapter. [C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §554.1109] 2007 Acts, ch 41, §49 CS2007, §554.1107 Referred to in §3.3

Section 554.1108 – Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.

554.1108 Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. This Article modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. §7001 et seq., except that nothing in this Article modifies, limits, or supersedes §7001(c) of that Act or authorizes electronic delivery of any of the notices […]

Section 554.1110 – Rules for filing and indexing.

554.1110 Rules for filing and indexing. The secretary of state shall make and promulgate rules for all filing and indexing pursuant to this chapter and chapter 554B including but not limited to rules on whether statements and documents shall be indexed in real estate records. [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §554.1110] 2014 Acts, ch […]

Section 554.11101 – Effective date.

554.11101 Effective date. Division 2 of 1974 Iowa Acts, ch. 1249, §9 to 72 , the Iowa amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code pertaining primarily to security interests, and related amendments, shall become effective at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 1975. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §554.11101] 2009 Acts, ch 41, §163; 2014 Acts, ch 1026, […]

Section 554.11102 – Preservation of old transition provision.

554.11102 Preservation of old transition provision. The provisions of Article 10 of this chapter, sections 554.10101, 554.10103, and 554.10105, shall continue to apply to this chapter as amended and for this purpose this chapter prior to amendment and this chapter as amended shall be considered one continuous statute. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §554.11102] 2009 Acts, […]

Section 554.11103 – Transition to this chapter as amended — general rule.

554.11103 Transition to this chapter as amended — general rule. Transactions validly entered into after July 4, 1966, and before January 1, 1975, which were subject to the provisions of this chapter prior to amendment and which would be subject to this chapter as amended if they had been entered into on or after January […]

Section 554.11104 – Transition provision on change of requirement of filing.

554.11104 Transition provision on change of requirement of filing. A security interest for the perfection of which filing or the taking of possession was required under this chapter prior to amendment and which attached prior to January 1, 1975, but was not perfected shall be deemed perfected on January 1, 1975, if this chapter as […]

Section 554.11107 – Transition provisions as to priorities.

554.11107 Transition provisions as to priorities. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, this chapter prior to amendment shall apply to any questions of priority if the positions of the parties were fixed prior to January 1, 1975. In other cases questions of priority shall be determined by this chapter as amended. [C75, 77, 79, […]

Section 554.11108 – Presumption that rule of law continues unchanged.

554.11108 Presumption that rule of law continues unchanged. Unless a change in law has clearly been made, the provisions of this chapter as amended shall be deemed declaratory of the meaning of this chapter prior to amendment. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §554.11108] 2000 Acts, ch 1149, §155, 187