§1. Extent of sovereignty and jurisdiction The jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State extend to all places within its boundaries, subject only to such rights of concurrent jurisdiction as are granted by the State over places ceded by the State to the United States. This section shall not limit or restrict the jurisdiction of the […]
§10. Legislative jurisdiction transferred by operation of law unimpaired Nothing in sections 8 to 10 shall be construed to prevent or impair any transfer of legislative jurisdiction to this State occurring by operation of law.
§11. State processes executed in places ceded Civil, criminal and military processes, lawfully issued by an officer of the State, may be executed in places ceded to the United States, over which a concurrent jurisdiction has been reserved for such purpose.
§12. Governor may cede 10 acres or less to United States; compensation to owner The Governor, reserving such jurisdiction, may cede to the United States for purposes named in its Constitution any territory not exceeding 10 acres, but not including any highway; nor any public or private burying ground, dwelling house or meetinghouse, without consent […]
§13. Land for fortifications or navigation aids; taking and ceding to United States; compensation Whenever the public exigencies require it, the Governor may take in the name of the State, by purchase and deed, or in the manner denoted, any lands or rights-of-way, for the purpose of erecting, using or maintaining any fort, fortification, arsenal, […]
§14. Survey of land to be taken; filing and recording When the Governor determines that a public exigency requires the taking of any land or rights as provided for in section 13, the Governor shall cause the land to be surveyed, located and so described that it can be identified, and a plan thereof must […]
§15-A. Consent of Legislature for federal radioactive waste storage facilities (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1979, c. 519, §1 (NEW). PL 1983, c. 381, §1 (RP).
§15. Consent of Legislature to acquisition of land by United States for public buildings; record of conveyances In accordance with the Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section VIII, Clause 17, and Acts of Congress in such cases provided, the consent of the Legislature is given to the acquisition by the United States, or […]
§16. Property not to be taxed Lands with the tenements and appurtenances acquired for the purposes mentioned in section 15 shall be and continue exempt from all state, county and municipal taxation, assessment or other charges which may be levied or imposed under the authority of this State, so far as the taxation of such […]
§17. Acquisition of land by United States where owner disabled or unwilling; proceedings Whenever, upon application of an authorized agent of the United States, it is made to appear to the Superior Court that the United States desires to purchase a tract of land and the right of way thereto, within the State, for the […]
§18. Treasurer receiving money to give bond The court directing the money to be paid to a county treasurer, in accordance with sections 15 to 17, shall require of such treasurer a bond in double the amount ordered to be paid to him, with 2 or more sufficient sureties, or with a surety company, as […]
§19. Consent to certain acts of United States coast survey Persons employed under the Government of the United States in the coast survey may enter on any land in the State and erect thereon such buildings and do such other acts as the objects of the survey require.
§2. Offshore waters and submerged land The jurisdiction of this State shall extend to and over, and be exercisable with respect to, waters offshore from the coasts of this State as follows: 1. Marginal sea. The marginal sea to its outermost limits as said limits may from time to time be defined or recognized […]
§20. Compensation to owners for use of land If satisfactory compensation is not made to the owner by the officers or agents of the United States under whose direction such lands are taken, he may make complaint to the county commissioners who, after not less than 14 days’ notice to the parties of the time […]
§21. Report of county commissioners filed with Superior Court; motion for new trial The commissioners shall file in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court a report of their doings, which shall be conclusive upon the parties, unless one of them within 30 days files in court his motion for a new trial, […]
§22. Tender of amends; costs The person entering upon land as provided in section 19 may tender to the party injured sufficient amends, and if the damages finally assessed do not exceed the tender, judgment shall be rendered against the owner for costs. Costs recovered by the prevailing party shall be taxed as in case […]
§23. Injury to works (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1977, c. 696, §1 (RP).
§24. Right of entry on lands All persons employed in the work of topographic mapping under the law are authorized to enter and cross all lands within the State, provided that in so doing no damage shall be done to private property.
§25. Topographic mapping The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Division of Geology, Natural Areas and Coastal Resources has charge of topographic mapping on behalf of the State. The Division of Geology, Natural Areas and Coastal Resources is authorized and directed to enter into such agreements with the Director of the United States Geological Survey […]
§26. Leases of right to take kelp on submerged lands (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1967, c. 418 (RP).