§130. Edmund S. Muskie Day March 28th of each year shall be designated as Edmund S. Muskie Day and the Governor shall annually issue a proclamation inviting and urging the people of the State of Maine to observe this day in suitable places with appropriate ceremony and activity. Edmund S. Muskie Day shall commemorate and […]
§131. Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day April 9th of each year shall be designated as Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day and the Governor shall annually issue a proclamation inviting and urging the people of the State to observe this day in suitable places with appropriate ceremony and activity. Former Prisoner of War Recognition […]
§132. Deaf Culture Week The Governor shall annually issue a proclamation setting aside the last full week in September as Deaf Culture Week. The proclamation must invite and urge the people of the State to observe the week in schools and other suitable places with appropriate ceremony and study. The Department of Education shall make […]
§133. Landowner Recognition Day The 3rd Saturday of September of each year is designated as Landowner Recognition Day and the Governor shall issue annually a proclamation inviting and urging the people of the State to observe this day in suitable places with appropriate activity. [PL 1995, c. 142, §1 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1995, […]
§134. Children’s Day In recognition of the value and importance of every child, the State designates the last Friday in September as Children’s Day. The Governor shall annually issue a proclamation urging citizens, businesses and organizations to observe the day with appropriate celebration and activity. [PL 1997, c. 74, §1 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL […]
§135. Firefighter’s Recognition Day In recognition of the value and importance of firefighters, the State designates the first Saturday in October as Firefighter’s Recognition Day. The Governor shall annually issue a proclamation urging the people of the State to observe the day with appropriate celebration and activity. [PL 1999, c. 19, §1 (NEW).] SECTION […]
§136. Prisoner of War – Missing in Action Recognition Day The Governor annually shall issue a proclamation designating the 3rd Friday in September as Prisoner of War – Missing in Action Recognition Day in remembrance of the courage and plight of American prisoners of war and those missing in action. The proclamation must recommend that […]
§137. Organ Donor Awareness Day December 3rd is designated as Organ Donor Awareness Day, and the Governor shall annually issue a proclamation inviting and urging the people of the State of Maine to observe the day with appropriate activity. The first annual Organ Donor Awareness Day will commemorate the life of Kate James, who was […]
§138. Major-General Henry Knox Day July 25th of each year is designated as Major-General Henry Knox Day, and the Governor shall annually issue a proclamation inviting and urging the people of the State to observe this day in suitable places and with appropriate ceremony and activity. The Department of Education shall make appropriate information available […]
§139. Maine Lighthouse Week The Governor shall annually issue a proclamation setting aside the 3rd full week in June as Maine Lighthouse Week to invite and urge the people of the State to observe this week in suitable places and with appropriate ceremony and activity to honor and commemorate the important role of lighthouses in […]
§140. Maine Youth Field and Stream Day The 2nd Saturday in September of each year is designated as Maine Youth Field and Stream Day. The Governor shall issue annually a proclamation inviting and urging the youth of this State to observe this day by participating in outdoor activities. [PL 2001, c. 68, §1 (NEW).] […]
§141. Colonel Freeman McGilvery Day (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 1, SECTION 139) The first Saturday of September of each year is designated as Colonel Freeman McGilvery Day. The Governor shall annually issue a proclamation urging the people of the State to observe the day with appropriate celebration and activity. [RR 2001, c. 1, §1 (RAL).] […]
§142. Destroyer Escort Day (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 1, SECTION 139) The 3rd Saturday in June of each year is designated as Destroyer Escort Day in this State, and the Governor shall annually issue a proclamation inviting the people of the State to observe this day in honor of the destroyer escort ships and the people […]
§143. Maine Small Business Week (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 1, SECTION 139) The 3rd week in May, or any other week coinciding with the week designated nationally as Small Business Week, is designated Maine Small Business Week and the Governor shall issue annually a proclamation inviting and urging the citizens and small businesses throughout the State […]
§144. Veterans’ Week (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 1, SECTION 139) Each political subdivision and school administrative unit is encouraged to celebrate Veterans’ Week during the week, commencing on a Sunday and ending on the next following Saturday, within which November 11th, Veterans’ Day, occurs. The celebration may include recognition of the contribution of veterans of the […]
§145. Equal Pay Day (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 1, SECTION 140) The first Tuesday in April is designated as Equal Pay Day, and the Governor shall annually issue a proclamation inviting and urging the people of the State to observe this day with appropriate activity. [RR 2001, c. 1, §5 (RAL).] SECTION HISTORY RR 2001, […]
§146. Maine Week of Heroes Each political subdivision and school administrative unit is encouraged to observe a Maine Week of Heroes during the week, commencing on a Sunday and ending on the next following Saturday, within which September 11th occurs. The observance may include public proclamations, appropriate ceremonies and the introduction of curricula in school […]
§147. Maine Aviation and Aerospace Education Week (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 1, SECTION 146) The 3rd week in April is designated Maine Aviation and Aerospace Education Week. The Department of Transportation, Office of Passenger Transportation shall participate in the planning of events for this week under the auspices of the Maine Aeronautics Association. [RR 2003, […]
§148. Family Reunion Day In recognition of the value and importance of families, the State designates the Monday after the first full weekend of August as Family Reunion Day. The Governor shall annually issue a proclamation urging citizens, businesses and organizations to observe the day with appropriate celebration and activity. [PL 2005, c. 8, […]
§149. Community Giving Week (REALLOCATED FROM TITLE 1, SECTION 148) The 3rd full week in November of each year is designated as Community Giving Week, and the Governor shall issue annually a proclamation inviting and urging people of the State to observe this week in suitable places with appropriate activity. [PL 2005, c. 397, […]