§1141. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 1991, c. 261 (NEW).] 1. Credit card. “Credit card” has the same meaning as “accepted credit card,” as defined in the Federal Truth in Lending Act, 15 United States Code, Section 1601 et seq. […]
§1142. Prohibited practice When a travel agent furnishes travel services to a consumer and the consumer uses a credit card to obtain credit in the transaction, the provider of travel services for which the travel agent is an agent may not as the result of the use of the credit card impose a surcharge on […]
§1143. Remedies Any person injured as a result of a violation of section 1142 may seek damages and an injunction in a civil action. Any person likely to be injured by a violation of section 1142 may seek an injunction in a civil action. The court may award reasonable attorney’s fees to the plaintiff. […]