§2551. Required entries The weight certificate forms shall be approved by the state sealer and shall contain the following information: The date of issuance, the kind of property, produce, commodity or article weighed, the name of the declared owner or agent of the owner or of the consignee of the material weighed, the accurate weight […]
§2552. Execution; requirements A licensed public weighmaster shall not enter on a weight certificate issued by him any weight values but such as he has personally determined, and he shall make no entries on a weight certificate issued by some other person. A weight certificate shall be so prepared as to show clearly that weight […]
§2553. Copies preserved and available A licensed public weighmaster shall keep and preserve for at least one year, or for such longer period as may be specified in the regulations authorized to be issued for the enforcement of this chapter, a legible carbon copy of each weight certificate issued by him, which copies shall be […]
§2554. Reciprocal acceptance Whenever in any other state which licenses public weighmasters, there is statutory authority for the recognition and acceptance of the weight certificates issued by licensed weighmasters of this State, the state sealer of this State is authorized to recognize and accept the weight certificates of such other state.