§2651. Registration; certificates Any person wishing to be registered as a dealer or repairman shall make application to the state sealer upon forms provided by the state sealer, furnishing such pertinent information as may be required and each application must be accompanied by an annual fee of $25. Upon approval, the state sealer shall issue […]
§2652. Handling of condemned devices; disposition A dealer or repairman who accepts weighing or measuring devices, which have been condemned by the state sealer in trade for new or used weighing or measuring devices, and which are intended to be dismantled or destroyed, upon receipt thereof, shall remove the condemned tags. Such condemned tags shall […]
§2653. Reports to state sealer Every dealer or repairman, within 10 days after the making of a repair, adjustment or the sale and delivery of a new, repaired, rebuilt, exchanged or used weighing or measuring device, shall notify, in writing, the state sealer, giving the name and address of the person, firm, copartnership, corporation or […]
§2654-A. Retail vehicle tank metering devices A repairman registered and otherwise regulated under this subchapter may test and calibrate retail vehicle tank metering devices for the delivery of petroleum products, provided that the state sealer has determined that the repairman is qualified, on the basis of his competency and his proper use of correct equipment, […]
§2654. Calibration of testing equipment; certificate A dealer or repairman shall submit his testing equipment at least once a year to the office of the state sealer for comparison and calibration with the standard maintained by such state sealer. After comparison and calibration, the state sealer shall issue to such dealer or repairman a certificate […]
§2655. Suspension or revocation of registration of dealers or repairmen The state sealer is authorized to refuse to renew the certificate of any registered dealer or repairman when he is satisfied, after providing notice and opportunity for a hearing in a manner consistent with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act as to adjudicatory hearings, that the […]
§2656. Penalties 1. Violation of subchapter; first and subsequent offenses. The following penalties apply to violations of this subchapter. A. A person who violates a provision of this subchapter commits a civil violation for which a fine of not more than $100 may be adjudged. [PL 2003, c. 452, Pt. E, §8 (NEW); […]