§301. Action for alienation of affections prohibited A person is not liable to any other person in a civil action for the cause of alienation of affections. [PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. C, §1 (NEW); PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. E, §2 (AFF).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1995, c. 694, §C1 (NEW). PL 1995, c. […]
§302. Action for loss of consortium A married person may bring a civil action in that person’s own name for loss of consortium of that person’s spouse. [PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. C, §1 (NEW); PL 1995, c. 694, Pt. E, §2 (AFF).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1995, c. 694, §C1 (NEW). PL 1995, c. […]
§303. Action for loss of services The parents of a minor child jointly may maintain an action for loss of the services or earnings of that child when that loss is caused by the negligent or wrongful act of another. If one parent refuses to sue, the other may sue alone. This section does not […]
§304. Liability of parents or legal guardians for damage by children If a minor who is between 7 and 17 years of age willfully or maliciously causes damage to property or injury to a person and the minor would have been liable for the damage or injury if the minor were an adult and the […]