§201. Motion to defend prior actions by subsequent attaching creditor When property has been attached, a plaintiff who has caused it to be attached in a subsequent action may, by himself or attorney, move the court for leave to defend the prior action and set forth therein the facts as he believes them to be, […]
§202. Bond if motion granted If leave is granted, the plaintiff in the subsequent action shall give bond or enter into recognizance with sufficient surety in such sum as the court orders, to pay the plaintiff in the prior action all damages and costs occasioned by such defense. An entry of record shall be made […]
§203. Judgment when defense fails When the plaintiff in the subsequent action enters into recognizance and fails in his defense, execution on his recognizance shall be issued against him for the damages found by the court, and costs. Judgment shall be rendered between the original parties as if no such defense had been made.
§204. Judgment when defense prevails When the plaintiff in the subsequent action prevails, judgment shall be rendered against the plaintiff in the prior action and in favor of the plaintiff in the subsequent action, and execution issued thereon for his costs. Costs may or may not be awarded to the original defendant.
§205. Judgment in prior action rendered; motion for relief When judgment in such prior action has been rendered, the plaintiff in such subsequent action may move for leave to seek relief from the judgment, first giving bond to each party as provided in section 202 and such leave may or may not be granted.
§206. Prior attachment to delay or defraud creditors void When it appears by the verdict or otherwise that such prior attachment was made with intent to delay or defraud creditors or that there was collusion between the plaintiff and defendant for that purpose, such attachment is void.