§851. Actions against sheriff for escape; for misconduct Actions for escape of prisoners committed on execution shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action accrues, but actions against a sheriff, for negligence or misconduct of himself or his deputies, shall be commenced within 4 years after the cause of action accrues.
§852. Mutual and open accounts current In contract actions to recover the balance due, where there have been mutual dealings between the parties, the items of which are unsettled, whether kept or proved by one party or both, the cause of action shall be deemed to accrue at the time of the last item proved […]
§853. Persons under disability may bring action when disability removed If a person entitled to bring any of the actions under sections 752 to 754, including section 752‑C, and under sections 851 and 852 and Title 24, section 2902 and, until July 1, 2017, section 2902‑B is a minor, mentally ill, imprisoned or without the […]
§854. Actions for breach of promise to marry prohibited No action or proceeding to recover damages for breach of promise to marry shall be maintained.
§855. Commencement of new action after failure, defeat or reversal When a summons fails of sufficient service or return by unavoidable accident, or default, or negligence of the officer to whom it was delivered or directed, or the action is otherwise defeated for any matter of form, or by the death of either party the […]
§856. Death of either party before action commenced (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1979, c. 540, §17 (RP).
§857. Rights of alien enemies in time of war If a person is disabled from prosecuting an action in this State by reason of being an alien subject or citizen of a country at war with the United States, the time during which such war continues shall not be a part of the period herein […]
§858. Limitation on actions for penalties Actions for any penalty or forfeiture on a penal statute, brought by a person to whom the penalty or forfeiture is given in whole or in part, shall be commenced within one year after the commission of the offense. If no person so prosecutes, it may be recovered by […]
§859. Limitation extended in cases of fraud If a person, liable to any action mentioned, fraudulently conceals the cause thereof from the person entitled thereto, or if a fraud is committed which entitles any person to an action, the action may be commenced at any time within 6 years after the person entitled thereto discovers […]
§860. Renewal of promise in writing In actions founded on any contract, no acknowledgment or promise takes the case out of the operation hereof, unless the acknowledgment or promise is express, in writing and signed by the party chargeable thereby. No such acknowledgment or promise made by one joint contractor affects the liability of the […]
§861. Judgment where action barred against some and not others In actions against 2 or more joint contractors, if it appears on trial or otherwise that the plaintiff is barred by the provisions hereof as to one or more of the defendants, but is entitled to recover against any other by virtue of a new […]
§862. When nonjoinder of defendants is pleaded In an action on a contract, if the defendant pleads that another person ought to have been jointly sued and issue is joined thereon, and it appears on the trial that the action was barred by the provisions hereof against such person, the issue shall be found for […]
§863. Partial payment and indorsement Nothing herein contained alters, takes away or lessens the effect of payment of any principal or interest made by any person, but no indorsement or memorandum of such payment made on a promissory note, bill of exchange or other writing, by or on behalf of the party to whom such […]
§864. Presumption of payment after 20 years Every judgment and decree of any court of record of the United States or of any state or justice of the peace in this State is presumed to be paid and satisfied at the end of 20 years after any duty or obligations accrued by virtue of such […]
§865. Application of limitations to counterclaims All the provisions hereof respecting limitations apply to any counterclaim by the defendant except a counterclaim arising out of the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the plaintiff’s claim to the extent of the demand in the plaintiff’s claim. The time of such limitation shall be […]
§866. Defendant out of State when action commenced; insolvency If a person is out of the State when a cause of action accrues against him, the action may be commenced within the time limited therefor after he comes into the State. If a person is absent from and resides out of the State, after a […]
§867. Foreign corporations covered by limitations Any foreign corporation, doing business continuously in this State and having constantly an officer or agent resident herein on whom service of any process may be made, shall be entitled to the benefit of all provisions of law relating to limitation of actions the same as domestic corporations.
§868. Action to recover damages for land taken for public use No action or proceeding shall be brought or maintained to recover damages caused by the taking of any land, rights or other property to be used for a public purpose when such taking has been authorized by the Legislature, unless the same is commenced […]
§869. Action barred when no administrator 6 years after death Where no administration is had upon the estate of a deceased person within 6 years from the date of death of said decedent and no petition for administration is pending, all actions upon any claim against said decedent shall be barred.
§870. Judgment by perjury; action on case 1. Action; within 3 years. When a judgment has been obtained against a party by the perjury of a witness introduced at the trial by the adverse party, the injured party may, within 3 years after that judgment or after final disposition of any motion for relief from […]