§2001. Real estate levied on; appraisal Real estate attachable, including the right to cut timber and grass as described in chapter 507, subchapter III, may be taken to satisfy an execution, by causing it to be appraised by 3 disinterested persons, one chosen by the creditor, one by the debtor and the other by the […]
§2002. Appraisers sworn; view of land The appraisers may be sworn by the officer without fee or by a dedimus justice, faithfully and impartially to appraise the real estate to be taken, and a certificate of the oath shall be made, stating the date of its administration on the back of the execution by the […]
§2003. Return contains value and description of estate The appraisers shall in a return made and signed by them on the back of the execution, or annexed thereto, state the value of the estate appraised, and describe it by metes and bounds, or in such other manner that it may be distinctly known and identified, […]
§2004. Appraisal when several parcels taken When several parcels of land are taken, they may be appraised separately or together. When taken at different times, there may be different sets of appraisers. A levy is valid when the return is signed by 2 of the appraisers, the other appearing to have been sworn and to […]
§2005. Officer’s return, contents The officer, in his return on the execution, shall state substantially the time when the land was taken on execution; how the appraisers were appointed; that they were duly sworn; that they appraised and set off the premises, after viewing the same, at the price specified; that he delivered seizin and […]
§2006. Estates tail Estates tail shall be taken, appraised and held as estates in fee simple.
§2007. Estate held in joint tenancy taken in execution The whole or part of an estate held in joint tenancy or in common may be taken to satisfy an execution, in the same manner as other real estate is now taken and held in common, but the whole estate must be described and the share […]
§2008. Debtor’s interest passes by levy All the debtor’s estate, interest or share in the premises, whether held in tail, reversion, remainder, for life, years or otherwise, passes by a levy, unless it is larger than the estate mentioned in the appraisers’ return.
§2009. Levy on rents and profits When the estate cannot be described as provided in section 2003, the execution may be levied on its rents and profits, and the officer may give seizin thereof to the creditor, and cause a person in possession to become tenant to him or, on his refusal, may turn him […]
§2010. Part taken, damage to whole When the premises consist of a mill, mill privilege or other estate more than sufficient to satisfy the execution, which cannot be divided by metes and bounds without damage to the whole, an undivided part of it may be taken and the whole described, or it may be levied […]
§2011. Levy on life estate A levy may be made on an estate for life as on other real estate, and its value appraised; or it may be made on its rents and profits, and an appraisement of them made for a term of time, if the life so long continues, computing interest on the […]
§2012. Levy on leasehold; disposal of rent When the levy is made on the whole of an estate under lease, the rent shall be paid to the creditor from the time of the levy. When made on part of it, the appraisers shall determine what portion of the rent is to be paid to him, […]
§2013. Seizin and possession delivered; debtor not ousted The officer shall deliver to the creditor or his attorney, seizin and possession of an estate levied on, so far as the nature of the estate and the title of the debtor admit. When a remainder, reversion or right of redemption is taken, the debtor in possession […]
§2014. Levy on land fraudulently conveyed or disseized A levy may be made on land fraudulently conveyed by a debtor, or of which he has been disseized and into which he has a right of entry. In such case, the tenant in possession shall not be ousted, but the officer shall deliver to the creditor […]
§2015. Debt assigned; estate held in trust for assignee When the debt has been previously assigned for a valuable consideration, the creditor named in the execution holds an estate levied on to satisfy it in trust for his assignee, who is entitled to a conveyance thereof, which may be enforced by a civil action.
§2016. Execution returned and recorded The officer shall return the execution into the clerk’s office where it is returnable, and within 3 months after completing the levy cause it, with the return thereon, to be recorded in the registry of deeds where the land lies.
§2017. Unrecorded levy void against purchaser or creditor When not recorded as provided in section 2016, the levy is void against a person who has purchased for a valuable consideration, or has attached or taken on execution, the same premises without actual notice thereof. If the levy is recorded after the 3 months, it will […]
§2018. Levy waived or void A creditor who has received seizin of a levy not recorded cannot waive it unless the estate was not the property of the debtor, or not liable to seizure on execution, or cannot be held by the levy, when it may be considered void, and he may resort to any […]
§2019. Failure of title, alias execution; debtor may convey by deed When the execution has been recorded and the estate levied on does not pass by the levy for causes named in section 2018, the creditor may by motion in the court issuing the execution require the debtor to show cause why an alias execution […]
§2020. Judgment assignee may bring action if estate does not pass by levy When a judgment has been assigned for a valuable consideration, and bona fide, in writing, and a levy of an execution issued on such judgment has been made, and the estate does not pass by the levy, and the creditor dies after […]