§2251. Redemption of rights and interest Real estate, and rights and interests therein, and mortgages and debts so sold, may be redeemed within one year, as land levied on by appraisement may be. The rights and remedies of the parties are the same for this purpose, as those of mortgagor and mortgagee.
§2252. Attachment and sale of rights to redeem The right of a debtor to redeem from a sale or from a levy by appraisement may be attached and sold on execution, as an equity of redemption may be, and the parties have the same rights and remedies. Attachments of such estate or equity of redemption, […]
§2253. Redemption of property by creditor seizing right; repayment from proceeds of sale When a creditor has seized on execution a right that would expire within 60 days, to redeem from a mortgage, sale or levy on execution, he may pay or tender to the person entitled thereto the amount which the debtor would have […]