§4151. Property subject to attachment All goods and chattels may be attached and held as security to satisfy the judgment for damages and costs which the plaintiff may recover, except such as, from their nature and situation, have been considered as exempt from attachment according to the principles of the common law as adopted and […]
§4152. Property kept where found; owner’s bond Personal property attached may be kept upon the premises where the same is found and the attaching officer may appoint a keeper thereof. If the owner of said property or the occupant of said premises requests the officer in writing to remove said keeper, the officer shall remove […]
§4153. Attachment of hay and animals When hay in a barn, horses or neat cattle are attached and are suffered to remain by permission of the officer in the defendant’s possession on security given for their safekeeping and delivery to the officer, they are not subject to a 2nd attachment to the prejudice of the […]
§4154. Optional method of attachment Any interest in real or personal property, which is not exempt from attachment and execution, may be attached by the plaintiff by the filing in the registry of deeds for the county in which the property is located, with respect to real property, or in the office of the Secretary […]
§4155. Shares in a corporation (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1965, c. 306, §31 (RP).
§4156. Franchise and other corporate property The franchise and all right to demand and take toll and all other property of a corporation may be attached on mesne process, and the attaching officer shall serve an attested copy of the writ of attachment upon the corporation in the same manner as other process.
§4157. Successive attachments Successive attachments in one or more counties may be made upon the same writ of attachment by the same or different officers before service of the summons upon the person whose property is attached; but none after such service except on order of the court on motion without notice and for cause […]
§4158. Replevin of property attached and claimed by non-party to action; sale When personal property, attached on mesne process, is claimed by a person not a party to the action, he may replevy it within 10 days after notice given him therefor by the attaching creditor, and not afterwards. After that, the attaching officer, without […]
§4159. Effect of creditor’s failure to recover judgment If the attaching creditor, after having paid the amount ordered by the court, does not recover judgment, he may nevertheless hold the property until the debtor has repaid with interest the amount so paid.
§4160. Restriction of right to attach replevied goods Goods, taken by replevin from an attaching officer, shall not be further attached as property of the original defendant in any other manner than that provided in sections 4202 and 4203, so long as they are held by the person who replevied them or by any one […]