US Lawyer Database

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14 §4601. Duration of attachment

§4601. Duration of attachment An attachment of real or personal estate continues during the time within which an appeal may be taken from the judgment and during the pendency of any appeal. When a judgment for the plaintiff has become final by expiration of the time for appeal, by dismissal of an appeal or on […]

14 §4602. Methods of dissolution

§4602. Methods of dissolution An attachment of real or personal property is dissolved when a judgment for the defendant has become final by expiration of the time for appeal, by dismissal of an appeal or on certificate of decision from the law court; by a decree of insolvency on his estate before a levy or […]

14 §4603. Certificate of dissolution

§4603. Certificate of dissolution When an attachment is dissolved by judgment for the defendant, or if the complaint in the action in which an attachment is made is not filed with the court within 30 days after the first attachment therein, the clerk of the court shall give any person applying therefor a certificate of […]

14 §4604. Real estate attachment discharged of record on dissolution

§4604. Real estate attachment discharged of record on dissolution When an attachment of real estate is made in any action and the complaint is not filed in court, or when any attachment of real estate is dissolved by lapse of time or failure to levy upon the judgment debt within the time prescribed by law […]

14 §4605. Failure or refusal to discharge attachment

§4605. Failure or refusal to discharge attachment If the plaintiff shall upon demand unreasonably delay or refuse to discharge the said attachment as prescribed in section 4604, then the defendant by action filed in the county in which the attachment of said real estate was made shall be entitled on proof thereof to have the […]

14 §4606. Petition for valuation and release

§4606. Petition for valuation and release Any defendant, whose interest in real estate is attached on mesne process, may petition the Superior Court, setting forth the names of the parties to the action, the court and county in which it is returnable or pending, the fact of the attachment, the particular real estate and his […]

14 §4607. Valuation and release on debtor’s bond

§4607. Valuation and release on debtor’s bond If, at the hearing, such court finds that such interest is worth as much as the amount ordered in the writ to be attached, it shall order such defendant to give bond to the plaintiff, with sufficient sureties, conditioned that within 30 days after judgment for the plaintiff […]

14 §4608. Proceedings and bond filed in clerk’s office

§4608. Proceedings and bond filed in clerk’s office The petition and proceedings thereon shall be filed in the clerk’s office in the county where the action is pending or returnable and recorded as a part of the case. The bond, when approved by such justice, shall be filed therein for the use of the plaintiff. […]

14 §4609. Certificate of proceedings from clerk recorded

§4609. Certificate of proceedings from clerk recorded The clerk shall give the petitioner an attested copy of the petition and proceedings with a certificate under seal of the court attached thereto, that such bond has been duly filed in his office. The recording of such copy and certificate in the registry of deeds in the […]

14 §4610. Vacating attachment of personal property

§4610. Vacating attachment of personal property When personal property is attached, the same proceedings may be had as provided in sections 4606 to 4609 and the officer shall be notified of the hearing, and the delivery to him of the copy and certificate mentioned in section 4609 vacates the attachment and he shall return the […]

14 §4611. Vacating foreign attachments

§4611. Vacating foreign attachments In cases of foreign attachment, the same proceedings originated by any principal defendant may be had, except that the bond to the plaintiff shall be conditioned to pay the amount, if any, which he may finally recover against the trustees, with costs on the petition, within 30 days after judgment, not […]

14 §4612. Costs

§4612. Costs The party finally prevailing in the action shall recover the costs of these proceedings, taxed as costs of court in other cases and certified by the court, and execution shall issue therefor.  

14 §4613. Bond

§4613. Bond When real estate or personal property is attached on mesne process, and in all cases of attachment on trustee process, the attachment shall be vacated upon the defendant or someone in his behalf delivering to the officer who made such attachment, or to the plaintiff or his attorney, a bond to the plaintiff […]