§451. Perjury 1. A person is guilty of perjury if he makes: A. In any official proceeding, a false material statement under oath or affirmation, or swears or affirms the truth of a material statement previously made, and he does not believe the statement to be true; or [PL 1975, c. 740, §61 […]
§452. False swearing 1. A person is guilty of false swearing if: A. The person makes a false statement under oath or affirmation or swears or affirms the truth of such a statement previously made and the person does not believe the statement to be true, provided (1) the falsification occurs in an […]
§453. Unsworn falsification 1. A person is guilty of unsworn falsification if: A. He makes a written false statement which he does not believe to be true, on or pursuant to, a form conspicuously bearing notification authorized by statute or regulation to the effect that false statements made therein are punishable; [PL 1981, […]
§454. Tampering with a witness, informant, juror or victim 1. A person is guilty of tampering with a witness or informant if, believing that an official proceeding, as defined in section 451, subsection 5, paragraph A, or an official criminal investigation is pending or will be instituted, the actor: A. Induces or otherwise causes, […]
§455. Falsifying physical evidence 1. A person is guilty of falsifying physical evidence if, believing that an official proceeding as defined in section 451, subsection 5, paragraph A, or an official criminal investigation, is pending or will be instituted, he: A. Alters, destroys, conceals or removes any thing relevant to such proceeding or investigation […]
§456. Tampering with public records or information 1. A person is guilty of tampering with public records or information if he: A. Knowingly makes a false entry in, or false alteration of any record, document or thing belonging to, or received or kept by the government, or required by law to be kept by […]
§457. Impersonating a public servant 1. A person is guilty of impersonating a public servant if he falsely pretends to be a public servant and engages in any conduct in that capacity with the intent to deceive anyone. [PL 1975, c. 499, §1 (NEW).] 2. It is no defense to a prosecution under this […]
§458. Retaliation against a witness, informant, victim or juror A person is guilty of retaliation against a witness, informant, victim or juror if, believing that another person is participating or has participated as a witness, informant, victim or juror in an official proceeding, as defined in section 451, subsection 5, paragraph A, or in an […]