§411. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 2009, c. 355, §5 (NEW).] 1. Accreditation. “Accreditation” means a national federally recognized credentialing process resulting in the approval of a public health system or a municipal health department by a national federally recognized […]
§412. Coordination of public health infrastructure components 1. Local health officers. Local health officers shall provide a link between the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and every municipality. Duties of local health officers are set out in section 454‑A. [PL 2009, c. 355, §5 (NEW).] 2. Healthy Maine Partnerships. Healthy Maine Partnerships […]
§413. Universal wellness initiative The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Statewide Coordinating Council for Public Health, the district coordinating councils for public health and Healthy Maine Partnerships shall undertake a universal wellness initiative to ensure that all people of the State, including members of Indian Tribes, have access to resources and evidence-based […]