§1531. Care of infants after birth 1. Prophylactic ophthalmic ointment and reporting requirement. Every physician, midwife or nurse in charge shall instill or cause to be instilled into the eyes of an infant within 24 hours after its birth prophylactic ophthalmic ointment. If one or both eyes of an infant become reddened or inflamed at […]
§1532. Detection of serious conditions The department shall require hospitals, birthing centers and other birthing services to test newborn infants, or to cause them to be tested, by means of blood spot screening for the presence of treatable congenital, genetic or metabolic conditions that may be expected to result in subsequent cognitive disabilities, serious illness […]
§1533. Advisory program for genetic conditions 1. Purpose; program. A voluntary statewide genetics program is established, which offers testing, counseling and education to parents and prospective parents. The program shall include, but not be limited to, the following services: A. Follow-up programs for newborn testing, with emphasis on the counseling and education of women […]
§1534. Cytomegalovirus screening 1. Cytomegalovirus screening. The department shall establish a cytomegalovirus screening program for newborn infants. [PL 2021, c. 698, §1 (NEW).] 2. Religious objection exemption. The department may not require that a newborn infant be tested for the presence of cytomegalovirus if the parents of that infant object on the grounds that […]