§3921. Help Maine Grow System established 1. Help Maine Grow System established. The Help Maine Grow System, referred to in this chapter as “the system,” is established in the department as a comprehensive, statewide, coordinated system of early identification, referral and follow-up for all children from prenatal care up to 8 years of age and […]
§3922. Duties of system The system shall: [PL 2021, c. 457, §1 (NEW).] 1. Expansion of services. Increase the percentage of children screened for developmental, social or emotional issues at all appropriate locations, including, but not limited to, early childhood education facilities, child care facilities, Head Start facilities, Early Head Start facilities, regional sites […]
§3923. Annual reports The department shall submit any annual and evaluation reports provided by the department to the national center under section 3921, subsection 1 to the joint standing committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services matters and education matters, no later than December 15th of each year, beginning in 2022. […]