§651. State and state aid highways The department may alter, widen or change the grade of any state or state aid highway whenever in its judgment the public exigency may require, and may lay out, establish and open a new highway as a state highway, and upon appropriate petition from municipal officers may lay out, […]
§652. Proceedings on damage claims 1. Change of grade. Whenever the department changes the grade of any state or state aid highway, as provided in chapters 1 to 19, to the injury of an owner of adjoining land, that owner may apply, within 24 months after completion of the work according to the records of […]
§653. Highway boundaries 1. Authority. The department may establish the boundary lines, limits or locations of any or all state highways and state aid highways and cause durable monuments to be erected at the angles thereof. [PL 1999, c. 188, §1 (NEW).] 2. Reestablishment of lost or doubtful boundaries. Whenever in the opinion of […]
§654. Detour roads and signs Before a state or state-aid highway is closed due to construction, the department shall establish a practical detour route and properly sign the route at all intersections. The detour route shall be maintained in a condition adequate to serve traffic until the state or state-aid highway under construction is opened […]