§2101. Lost or doubtful boundaries When the true boundaries of highways or town ways duly located, or of which the location is lost, or which can only be established by user, are doubtful, uncertain or lost, the county commissioners of the county wherein such highway or town way is located, upon petition of the municipal […]
§2102. Lost or disregarded locations; stay When a highway is laid out through a town and an agent appointed by the county commissioners to open and make it, and the record location thereof cannot be found on the face of the earth or consistently applied thereto or said agent is not making said highway according […]
§2103. Lost or unrecorded boundaries When a highway survey has not been properly recorded or preserved or the termination and boundaries cannot be ascertained, the select board or municipal officers of any municipality may use and control for highway purposes 1 1/2 rods on each side of the center of the traveled portion of such […]