§4420. Purpose The Maine Port Authority, as established by Title 5, section 12004‑F, subsection 8, is a body both corporate and politic in the State established for the general purpose of acquiring, financing, constructing and operating any kind of marine port terminal facility and associated multimodal infrastructure facilities that directly support marine port operations within […]
§4421. Directors; appointment; president; vacancy The Maine Port Authority consists of a board of directors, referred to in this section as “the board.” The board consists of 7 directors who must be broadly representative of the State and must have a background in international trade, marine transportation, finance or economic development. Five directors are appointed […]
§4422. Agreements The Maine Port Authority and the Department of Transportation may enter into such agreements as the directors and commissioner determine to be in the best interests of the State for the department to acquire, construct, maintain and operate any or all facilities funded from bonds issued under section 4423. The department may not […]
§4423. Bonds 1. Authorization. The Maine Port Authority may provide by resolution from time to time for the issuance of bonds for the purpose of funding the establishment, acquisition or effectuation of marine port terminal facilities and associated multimodal infrastructure facilities, for construction of proposed facilities and improvement of existing or acquired facilities and for […]
§4424. Property of the State All real and personal property owned by and in the name of the Maine Port Authority shall be considered as property of the State and entitled to the privileges and exemptions of property of the State, except insofar as waived by the duly authorized contract, or other written instrument of […]
§4425. Acquisition of land Land required for improvement to existing facilities or construction of new facilities undertaken by the Maine Port Authority or in cooperation with the Department of Transportation may be acquired for these purposes in the same manner as provided in chapter 3, subchapter III. [PL 1993, c. 649, Pt. J, §4 […]
§4426. Conflict of interest No member, officer or employee of the Maine Port Authority may acquire any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or proposed contract of the authority nor may any member, officer or employee participate in any decision on any contract entered into by the authority if he has any interest, direct […]
§4427. Environmental laws Facilities acquired, constructed, operated or maintained under this subchapter, and land upon which the facilities are located is subject to such of the environmental laws of the State as would be applicable to private enterprise were the facilities owned or operated by the private sector and further providing that the Department of […]
§4428. Funds received to support marine port linkages Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, funds paid to the Maine Port Authority as a result of state investments or loans for the development of marine port terminal facilities and associated multimodal infrastructure facilities that directly support marine port operations may be used by the Maine […]
§4429. Marketing program The Maine Port Terminal Facilities Marketing Program is established to encourage and promote business opportunities for marine port terminal facilities and associated multimodal infrastructure facilities that directly support marine port operations developed by the Maine Port Authority or the Department of Transportation including facilities in Portland, Searsport and Eastport. The Maine Port […]
§4430. Employees 1. Employees; executive director. The board of directors of the Maine Port Authority shall hire an executive director and set the compensation, fringe benefits and term and determine all other significant employment provisions regarding the executive director. The board may authorize the executive director to hire other employees necessary or desirable to fulfill […]
§4431. Report to Legislature; departmental review of certain fiscal items 1. Annual report. Beginning January 1, 2023, on an annual basis, the Maine Port Authority shall present a report of the authority’s activities for the preceding fiscal year, including a report of its receipts and expenditures from all sources and a description of progress toward […]