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Home » US Law » 2022 Maine Revised Statutes » TITLE 26: LABOR AND INDUSTRY » Chapter 15: PREFERENCE TO MAINE WORKS AND CONTRACTORS

26 §1301. Local residents preferred; exception

§1301. Local residents preferred; exception The State, counties, cities and towns, and every charitable or educational institution which is supported in whole or in part by aid granted by the State or by any municipality shall, in the awarding of contracts for constructing, altering, repairing, furnishing or equipping its buildings or public works, give preference […]

26 §1302. Proposals and bids recorded

§1302. Proposals and bids recorded Every municipality calling for such bids shall enter proposals and bids upon its books, showing the name and residence of each bidder, and the amount and terms of each bid, and to whom the work or contract was awarded. The same shall be open to the inspection of the Governor. […]

26 §1303. Public works; minimum wage and benefits; assisted projects

§1303. Public works; minimum wage and benefits; assisted projects In the employment of laborers in the construction of public works, including state highways, or an assisted project by the State or by persons contracting for the construction, preference must first be given to citizens of the State who are qualified to perform the work to […]

26 §1304. Definitions

§1304. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.   [PL 2011, c. 463, §1 (RPR).] 1.  Board.  “Board” means the Minimum Wage Rate on Construction Projects Board as constituted in sections 1304 to 1313.   [PL 1967, c. 403 (RPR).] 1-A.  Assisted project.  “Assisted […]

26 §1305. Policy declared

§1305. Policy declared It is declared to be the policy of the State that a wage of no less than the prevailing hourly rate of wages and benefits for work of a similar character in this State must be paid to all workers employed in the construction of public works or assisted projects.   [PL […]

26 §1306-A. Assisted project

§1306-A. Assisted project 1.  Wages and benefits.  Beginning January 1, 2023, a contractor or subcontractor working on an assisted project shall pay all construction workers working on the assisted project no less than the prevailing rate for wages and benefits, as determined by the bureau as set forth in this chapter.   [PL 2021, c. […]

26 §1306. Fair minimum rate of wages and benefits; determination

§1306. Fair minimum rate of wages and benefits; determination The public authority shall, before advertising for bids for a public contract, ascertain from the Director of the Bureau of Labor Standards the fair minimum rate of wages and benefits to be paid by the successful bidder to the laborers, workers or mechanics employed in the […]

26 §1307-A. Minimum wage and benefits rate on construction projects

§1307-A. Minimum wage and benefits rate on construction projects The Director of the Bureau of Labor Standards shall form an informal, ad hoc advisory board to advise the director with respect to issues relating to wage rates on construction projects. In forming this advisory board, the director shall select a person from labor engaged in […]

26 §1308. Prevailing wages and benefits established at regular intervals; how determined

§1308. Prevailing wages and benefits established at regular intervals; how determined 1.  Determination of wage and benefits rates.   The Bureau of Labor Standards shall investigate and determine the prevailing hourly wage and benefits rate paid in the construction industry in this State. To determine the prevailing hourly wage and benefits rate, the bureau shall: […]

26 §1310. Wage and benefits rates to be kept posted

§1310. Wage and benefits rates to be kept posted A clearly legible statement of all fair minimum wage and benefits rates to be paid the several classes of laborers, workers and mechanics employed on the construction on the public work must be kept posted in a prominent and easily accessible place at the site by […]

26 §1311. Wage and benefit record of contractor

§1311. Wage and benefit record of contractor The contractor and each subcontractor in charge of the construction of a public work or assisted project shall keep an accurate record showing the names and occupation of all laborers, workers and mechanics employed by them and all independent contractors working under contract with them in connection with […]

26 §1312. Penalties for violation

§1312. Penalties for violation 1.  Violation by contractor or subcontractor.  Except as provided in section 1308, subsection 1‑A, any contractor or subcontractor who willfully and knowingly violates sections 1304 to 1313 and 1317 is subject to a forfeiture of not less than $250.   [PL 2021, c. 465, §3 (AMD).] 2.  Employees’ remedies.  Any laborer, […]

26 §1313. Existing contracts

§1313. Existing contracts Sections 1304 to 1313 apply only to contracts for construction on public works let after January 1, 1968 and to construction on public works for which there has been determined the fair minimum wage and benefits rates as provided in sections 1304 to 1313 and that determination has not been appealed as […]

26 §1314. Exceptions

§1314. Exceptions 1.  Certain federal funds.  Whenever a public works construction is built in whole or in part using federal funds and is under the jurisdiction of the federal Davis-Bacon Act or other federal act that requires the United States Secretary of Labor to establish the minimum wage and benefits and those minimum wages and […]

26 §1315. Cooperation with the United States Department of Labor

§1315. Cooperation with the United States Department of Labor The Bureau of Labor Standards may exchange wage and benefits finding information with the United States Department of Labor when the Secretary of Labor is required to establish the minimum wage and benefits rates as defined in section 1314.   [PL 1997, c. 757, §12 (AMD).] […]

26 §1317. Construction safety training requirements for craft workers

§1317. Construction safety training requirements for craft workers A contractor or subcontractor employing craft workers in the construction of public works shall require mandatory safety training for all craft workers in accordance with the requirements of this section.   [PL 2021, c. 465, §4 (NEW).] 1.  Mandatory safety training.  A contractor or subcontractor employing craft […]