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26 §41. Director; personnel; salaries; expenses

§41. Director; personnel; salaries; expenses The Bureau of Labor Standards within the Department of Labor, as established and referred to in this Title as the “bureau,” is maintained under the direction of an officer whose title is Director of Labor Standards, referred to in this Title, except in chapter 13, as the “director.” The director […]

26 §42-A. Safety education and training programs

§42-A. Safety education and training programs 1.  Department to establish programs.  The department shall establish and supervise programs for the education and training of employers, owners, employees, educators and students in the recognition, avoidance and prevention of unsafe or unhealthful working conditions in employment. The department shall consult with and advise employers, owners, employees and […]

26 §42-B. Bureau to furnish poster or notice outlining state labor laws

§42-B. Bureau to furnish poster or notice outlining state labor laws 1.  Bureau to furnish poster or notice.  The bureau shall produce and furnish to employers posters or notices in electronic or printed form outlining state labor laws applicable to those employers and regulating:   A. Employment of minors;   [PL 2001, c. 242, §1 […]

26 §42-C. Notification regarding earned income tax credit eligibility

§42-C. Notification regarding earned income tax credit eligibility 1.  Bureau to provide poster or notice.  The bureau shall produce and furnish to employers posters or notices in printed form that state that an employee may be eligible for federal and state earned income tax credits and that the employee may apply for the tax credits […]

26 §42. Powers and duties

§42. Powers and duties The bureau shall collect, assort and arrange statistical details relating to all departments of labor and industrial pursuits in the State; to trade unions and other labor organizations and their effect upon labor and capital; to the number and character of industrial accidents and their effect upon the injured, their dependent […]

26 §43. Facts and statistics; seal; testimony; sources confidential

§43. Facts and statistics; seal; testimony; sources confidential The director may furnish a written or printed list of interrogatories for the purpose of gathering such facts and statistics as are contemplated, to any person, or the proper officer of any corporation operating within the State, and may require full and complete answers thereto under oath. […]

26 §44-A. Walkaround inspections

§44-A. Walkaround inspections A representative of the employer and an authorized employee representative shall be given an opportunity to accompany the director or his authorized agent during the physical inspection of the workplace of any employer, subject to this section, for the purpose of aiding such inspection. Where there is no authorized employee representative, the […]

26 §44. Right of access

§44. Right of access The director, and any authorized agent of the bureau, may enter any workplace as defined in section 1, provided by the State or by a state agency, county, municipal corporation, school district or other public corporation or political subdivision when the same are open or in operation, for the purpose of […]

26 §45. Notice of improper conditions

§45. Notice of improper conditions If, upon inspection, the director or any authorized agent of the bureau finds that an employer has violated a requirement of section 561‑A or any rule adopted pursuant to section 565, the director or the authorized agent of the bureau shall immediately issue a citation to the employer. Each citation […]

26 §46. Failure to cooperate or comply

§46. Failure to cooperate or comply Whoever, being duly summoned under section 43, willfully neglects or refuses to attend, or refuses to answer any question propounded to him concerning the subject of such examination as provided in said section 43, or whoever, being furnished by the director with a written or printed list of interrogatories, […]

26 §47. Municipal officers to furnish information

§47. Municipal officers to furnish information All state, county, city and town officers are directed to furnish the director, upon his request, such statistical or other information contemplated by sections 42 to 45 as shall be in their possession as such officers.   [PL 1971, c. 620, §13 (AMD).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1971, c. 620, […]

26 §48. Reports

§48. Reports All reports to the Bureau of Labor Standards involving deaths, injuries and occupational diseases shall be available to the injured employee, his survivors or representatives upon written request and upon payment of reasonable cost for the copies.   [PL 1981, c. 168, §6 (AMD).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1973, c. 418 (NEW). PL 1975, […]

26 §49. Imminent danger

§49. Imminent danger A Superior Court in the county in which the imminent danger is alleged to exist shall have jurisdiction, upon petition of the director, to restrain any conditions or practices in any place of employment subject to section 45 which are such that a danger exists which will reasonably be expected to cause […]

26 §50. Inspections in response to complaint

§50. Inspections in response to complaint Any employee or a representative of an employee of the State, a state agency, county, municipal corporation, school district or other public corporation or political subdivision who believes that a violation of an occupational safety or health standard exists that threatens physical harm or that an imminent danger exists […]

26 §52. Liens

§52. Liens 1.  Form; effect.  Upon the failure of an employer to pay the amount assessed for unpaid wages or severance pay pursuant to chapters 7 and 15, the director may file in the registry of deeds of any county a certificate stating the name of the employer; the employer’s address; the amount of unpaid […]

26 §53. Additional penalties

§53. Additional penalties In addition to any penalties provided in chapter 7, subchapters I to IV, the director may assess a forfeiture against any employer, officer, agent or other person who violates any provision of chapter 7, subchapters I to IV for each violation of those subchapters. The forfeiture may not exceed $1,000 or the […]