§101. Free public libraries established in towns Any town may establish a free public library therein for the use of its inhabitants and provide suitable rooms therefor under such regulation for its government as the inhabitants from time to time prescribe, and may levy and assess a tax and make appropriation therefrom for the foundation […]
§102. Free public libraries established in village corporations Any village corporation located in a town where no free library exists may establish a library within its limits for the free use of all its inhabitants and may levy and assess a corporate tax and make appropriation therefrom for its maintenance and increase annually. Village libraries […]
§103. Free use of library in adjoining towns authorized Any municipality may raise and appropriate annually a sum of money for the purpose of securing to its inhabitants free use of a library located in an adjoining municipality.
§104. Towns uniting for libraries Two or more towns may unite in establishing and maintaining a free public library with branches thereof in each town for the free use of all the inhabitants of said towns and may each raise and make appropriation for that purpose annually. Such towns shall be subject to all duties […]
§105. State aid for municipalities maintaining free public libraries (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2003, c. 20, §O1 (RP).
§106. Libraries controlled by associations assisted by towns Any town or city in which there is a library owned or controlled by a corporation or association or by trustees may levy and assess a tax and make appropriation therefrom annually to procure from that library the free use of its books for all the inhabitants […]
§107. Custody of public documents; list of books purchased (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2003, c. 20, §O3 (RP).
§108. Donation of books and gifts for foundation of library (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2013, c. 82, §8 (RP).
§109. Gifts and devises to towns Any town, as such, may receive, hold and manage devises, bequests or gifts for the establishment, increase or maintenance of a public library therein; and may accept by vote of the legal voters thereof any land or land and buildings thereon, to be used as a public library or […]