§1401-A. Limitation on definition of “certificate of approval holder” Notwithstanding section 2, subsection 8, as used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, “certificate of approval holder” means an in-state manufacturer of malt liquor or wine licensed under section 1355‑A or an out-of-state manufacturer of or out-of-state wholesaler of malt liquor or wine that […]
§1401. Wholesale licenses 1. Issuance of licenses. The bureau may issue licenses under this section for the in-state sale and distribution of malt liquor and wine at wholesale. [PL 2021, c. 658, §234 (AMD).] 2. Fees. Except as provided in subsection 4, the fee for a wholesale license is: A. Six hundred dollars […]
§1402-A. Samples of products A person licensed as a manufacturer of malt liquor or wine under section 1355‑A or licensed as a wholesaler may give a retail licensee samples of products under the following conditions: [PL 2015, c. 386, §1 (AMD).] 1. Invoice required. The products must be accompanied by an invoice; [PL […]
§1402. Taste testing of wine and malt liquor products 1. Taste testing on wholesale licensee’s premises. With the bureau’s written permission, a wholesale licensee may designate a special area or room on the wholesale licensee’s premises for the specific purpose of taste testing wine or malt liquor products. [PL 1997, c. 373, §124 (AMD).] […]
§1403-A. Direct shipment of wine 1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. A. “Direct shipper” means a winery that has obtained a wine direct shipper license under subsection 2. [PL 2009, c. 373, §1 (NEW).] B. “Outside the State” means any […]
§1403. Purchase and sale of malt liquor or wine by wholesale licensee 1. Purchase of malt liquor or wine by wholesale licensee. A wholesale licensee may not purchase malt liquor or wine from a person other than a certificate of approval holder or special warehouse storage facility licensed under section 1371. A wholesale licensee may […]
§1404. Unbonded wholesale licensees (CONFLICT) 1. Procedure for unbonded wholesale licensees. Unbonded wholesale licensees shall order and purchase malt liquor and wine under the following procedures. A. The bureau shall furnish all purchase order forms. [PL 1997, c. 373, §128 (AMD).] B. [PL 2021, c. 622, §4 (RP).] C. The unbonded wholesale licensee […]
§1405. Bonded wholesale licensees (CONFLICT) 1. Procedures for bonded wholesale licensees. Bonded wholesale licensees shall order and purchase malt liquor and wine under the following procedures. A. The bureau shall furnish all purchase order forms. [PL 1997, c. 373, §129 (AMD).] B. [PL 2021, c. 622, §5 (RP).] C. (CONFLICT: Text as amended […]
§1406. Report of changes in wholesale licensees and certificate of approval holders to bureau 1. Certificate of approval holders must list wholesale licensees with bureau; changes. Each certificate of approval holder shall: A. File with the bureau a list of the wholesale licensees who distribute their products in the State; and [PL 1997, […]
§1407. Exclusive distributors of certificate of approval holders’ products 1. Exclusive distributors. Except as provided in section 1454, the wholesale licensee appointed by the certificate of approval holder to be the exclusive distributor for specific brands of malt liquor and wine cannot be terminated as exclusive distributor of those specific brands upon the voluntary or […]
§1408. Posting of prices 1. Posting by certificate of approval holders and bottlers. Certificate of approval holders and all licensed bottlers must post with the bureau the F.O.B. shipping point prices for which they are selling malt liquor or wine to wholesale licensees. [PL 1987, c. 45, Pt. A, §4 (NEW).] 2. Posting by […]