§601. Testing program established The department shall establish a testing program for adult use cannabis and adult use cannabis products. Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, the program must require a licensee, prior to selling or distributing adult use cannabis or an adult use cannabis product to a consumer, to submit the cannabis or […]
§602. Mandatory testing A licensee may not sell or distribute adult use cannabis or an adult use cannabis product to a consumer under this chapter unless the cannabis or cannabis product has been tested pursuant to this subchapter and the rules adopted pursuant to this subchapter and that mandatory testing has demonstrated that the cannabis […]
§603. Notification requirements 1. Notification of testing results required. If the results of a mandatory test conducted pursuant to section 602 indicate that the tested adult use cannabis or adult use cannabis product exceeds the maximum level of allowable contamination for any contaminant that is injurious to health and for which testing is required, the […]
§604-A. Sample collecting for mandatory testing by licensee 1. Sample collecting by licensee authorized; rules. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, a cultivation facility licensee, products manufacturing facility licensee or cannabis store licensee, or an employee of such licensee, may collect samples of the licensee’s adult use cannabis or adult use cannabis […]
§604. Sample collection for testing Except as provided in section 604‑A, if a test to be performed by a testing facility is a mandatory test under section 602, an employee or designee of the testing facility or a sample collector must collect the sample required for the test. If a test to be performed by […]
§605. Additional testing not required Notwithstanding section 602, a licensee may sell or furnish to a consumer adult use cannabis or an adult use cannabis product that the licensee has not submitted for testing in accordance with this subchapter and rules adopted pursuant to this subchapter if: [PL 2021, c. 612, §3 (AMD); PL […]
§606. Coordination with testing program and rules for cannabis and cannabis products for medical use In adopting rules and regulating the testing of adult use cannabis and adult use cannabis products under this subchapter, the department shall ensure that, when necessary and practicable, the regulation of the testing of adult use cannabis and adult use […]