§801. Department may impose penalty on licensee for license violation; Maine Administrative Procedure Act applies The department, on its own initiative or on complaint and after investigation, notice and the opportunity for a public hearing, by written order may impose a monetary penalty on a licensee or suspend or revoke the licensee’s license for a […]
§802. Penalties 1. Monetary penalties. A monetary penalty imposed by the department on a licensee pursuant to this subchapter may not exceed $100,000 per license violation. A. The department shall adopt rules setting forth potential amounts of monetary penalties to be imposed on a licensee based upon specific categories of unauthorized conduct by the […]
§803-A. Administrative holds In accordance with the provisions of this section, the department may impose an administrative hold on a licensee if, as a result of an inspection or investigation of the licensee by the department or a criminal justice agency, the department determines there are reasonable grounds to believe the licensee or an agent […]
§803. Disposition of unauthorized cannabis or cannabis products of licensee 1. Order; destruction of cannabis or cannabis products. If the department issues a final order imposing a monetary penalty on or a license suspension or revocation against a licensee pursuant to this subchapter, the department may specify in the order, in addition to any other […]
§804. Rules The department shall adopt rules governing the imposition of administrative holds, monetary penalties, suspensions and revocations under this subchapter, which must include, but are not limited to, provisions relating to notice and conduct of hearings consistent with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act and provisions relating to the disposition of unauthorized cannabis and cannabis […]