§2171-A. Secession of territory from a municipality Residents of territory within a municipality must follow the procedures set forth in this subchapter before seeking authority from the Legislature to secede from the municipality. [PL 1999, c. 381, §2 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1999, c. 381, §2 (NEW).
§2171-B. Initiation of procedure The secession process may be initiated by submitting to the municipal officers a petition signed by more than 50% of the registered voters within the secession territory that requests a municipal public hearing for the purpose of discussing whether the specified territory should secede from the municipality. The petition must set […]
§2171-C-1. Legislative authorization to proceed Within one year following the public hearing held pursuant to section 2171‑C, a representative from the secession territory shall cause legislation to be submitted to the Legislature to obtain the authorization of the Legislature to proceed with the secession process. Unless authorization to proceed is received from the Legislature, the […]
§2171-C. Initial hearing Upon receipt of a petition with the required number of verified signatures, the municipal officers shall call and hold a public hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is to allow municipal residents, officers and residents in the secession territory to discuss secession. The public hearing must be conducted by a moderator […]
§2171-D. Advisory referendum Unless a majority of the secession territory representatives withdraws support for secession by filing written notice of such withdrawal with the municipal officers, the municipality shall conduct an advisory referendum within the secession territory as long as the Legislature has authorized the secession process to proceed pursuant to section 2171‑C‑1. The referendum […]
§2171-E. Vote of municipal officers Following the advisory referendum, the municipal officers shall take a recorded vote on whether to support the secession request. If a majority of the officers approves the request and more than 50% of the registered voters in the secession territory voting at the advisory referendum pursuant to section 2171-D favor […]
§2171-F. Resolving conflicts; selecting mediator If the vote of the municipal officers and the advisory referendum are in conflict, the municipal officers and the secession territory representatives shall meet to attempt to resolve issues related to the secession. If the municipal officers and secession territory representatives do not reach agreement on all issues within a […]
§2171-G. Submission of dispute to the Legislature If the parties have not reached agreement on all issues within 6 months after beginning discussions, the matter may be submitted to the Legislature. The Legislature may consider the information submitted pursuant to section 2172 in making its decision. [PL 1999, c. 381, §2 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY […]
§2171. Legislative intent The Legislature finds that the citizens of the State in accordance with the Constitution of Maine, Article I, Section 2, have an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government and to alter, reform or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it. The Legislature further finds that the Legislature […]
§2172. Information to be submitted with legislation proposing secession A territory that seeks to have legislation submitted on its behalf proposing its secession from a municipality shall provide the Legislature with the following information, which the Legislature may use in making a determination on a proposal for secession: [PL 1997, c. 699, §3 (AMD).] […]
§2173. Local effort prior to seeking secession legislation (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1997, c. 699, §5 (NEW). PL 1999, c. 381, §4 (RP).