§2951. Legal fences All fences 4 feet high and in good repair, consisting of rails, timber, stone walls, iron or wire, and brooks, rivers, ponds, creeks, ditches and hedges, or other things which in the judgment of the fence viewers having jurisdiction thereof are equivalent thereto, are legal and sufficient fences. [PL 1987, c. […]
§2952. Maintenance The occupants of lands enclosed with fences shall maintain partition fences between their own and the adjoining enclosures, in equal shares, while both parties continue to improve them. [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. C, §106 (NEW); PL 1989, c. 6 (AMD); PL 1989, c. […]
§2953. Neglect of owners; function of fence viewers If any party neglects or refuses to repair or rebuild any such fence that that party is legally required to maintain, the aggrieved party may complain to 2 or more fence viewers of the town where the land is situated who, after due notice to the delinquent […]
§2954. Double compensation for building fence When the complainant has completed such fence and, after notice given, it has been adjudged sufficient by 2 or more of the fence viewers, and the value thereof, with the fence viewers’ fees, certified under their hands, the complainant may demand of the occupant or owner of the land […]
§2955. Division of partition fences; record of assignments; fees When the occupants or owners of adjacent lands disagree respecting their rights in partition fences and their obligation to maintain them, on application of either party, 2 or more fence viewers of the town where the lands lie, after reasonable notice to each party, may in […]
§2956. Building of part assigned; remedy on failure If any party refuses or neglects to build and maintain the part thus assigned to that party, it may be done by the aggrieved party who is entitled to double the value and expenses, to be ascertained and recovered as provided in section 2954, and shall have […]
§2957. Repairs All division fences shall be kept in good repair throughout the year, unless the occupants of adjacent lands otherwise agree. [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. C, §106 (NEW); PL 1989, c. 6 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 9, §2 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. […]
§2958. Fences may vary from dividing line When, in the opinion of the fence viewers having jurisdiction of the case, it is, by reason of natural impediments, impracticable or unreasonably expensive to build a fence on the true line between adjacent lands and the occupants disagree respecting its position, on application of either party as […]
§2959. Assignment of parts before fence is built When adjacent lands have been occupied in common without a partition fence and either party desires to occupy in severalty or when it is necessary to make a fence running into the water and the parties liable to build and maintain it disagree, either party may apply […]
§2960. Occupant ceasing to improve land; adjoining owner may buy fence When one party ceases to improve that party’s land or lays open that party’s enclosure, that party shall not take away any part of that party’s partition fence adjoining the next enclosure improved if the owner or occupant thereof will pay therefor what 2 […]
§2961. Liability of owner starting to improve land lying in common When any land which has been unenclosed is afterwards enclosed or used for pasturing, its occupant or owner shall pay for 1/2 of each partition fence on the line between that occupant’s or owner’s land and the enclosure of any other occupant or owner […]
§2962. Fences on town line If the line on which a partition fence is to be made or divided is the boundary between 2 or more towns, or partly in one town and partly in another, a fence viewer shall be taken from each town. [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL […]
§2963. Division of fences; notice; verbal agreements When a fence between owners of improved lands is divided either by fence viewers or by the written agreement of the parties recorded in the town clerk’s office where the land lies, the owners shall erect and support it accordingly. If any person lays that person’s own lands […]
§2964. Applicability to house lots or written agreements Nothing in this chapter extends to house lots, the contents of which do not exceed half an acre; but if the owner of such lot improves it, the owner of the adjacent land shall make and maintain 1/2 of the fence between them whether that owner of […]
§2965. Neglect of duty by fence viewers Any fence viewer who, when requested, unreasonably neglects to view any fence or to perform any other duties required of the fence viewer forfeits $3 to any person suing therefor within 40 days after such neglect and is liable for all damages to the party injured. [PL […]
§2966. Compensation of fence viewers Each fence viewer shall be paid by the person employing the fence viewer at the rate of $3 a day for the time employed. If the party liable neglects to pay the same for 30 days after demand, each fence viewer may recover double the amount in a civil action. […]