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30-A §3501. Definitions

§3501. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.   [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. C, §106 (NEW); PL 1989, c. 6 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 9, §2 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. C, §§8, 10 […]

30-A §3502-A. Formation of a transportation corridor district; powers

§3502-A. Formation of a transportation corridor district; powers 1.  Formation.  A municipality may, in accordance with the requirements of this section, by itself or in cooperation with one or more other municipalities, form a transportation corridor district for the purposes of funding public transportation and serving accessibility needs, including passenger rail, ferry, bus, bicycle and […]

30-A §3502. Formation; powers

§3502. Formation; powers 1.  Formation.  By vote of its legislative body, any municipality may by itself, or in cooperation with one or more other municipalities, form a transit district for the purposes provided in this chapter.   A. Municipalities not in the same geographic public transportation region must gain approval from the Department of Transportation […]

30-A §3503. Addition to or modification of a district

§3503. Addition to or modification of a district 1.  Application for membership to a district.  A municipality that is contiguous to any other municipality authorized to provide transportation services under this chapter or contiguous to any municipality that is a member of a transit district may apply to the transit district for membership, and the […]

30-A §3504. Management

§3504. Management The affairs of a district formed under section 3502 or 3502‑A must be managed by a board of directors chosen from the inhabitants of the municipality or municipalities composing the district.   [PL 2019, c. 242, §6 (AMD).] 1.  Number of directors.  Except as provided in subsection 3, each municipality is entitled to […]

30-A §3505. Single municipal or regional transportation district

§3505. Single municipal or regional transportation district 1.  Formation of district.  If a single municipality votes to create a transit district, its municipal officers shall appoint 5 directors from the inhabitants of the municipality. These directors have the same terms of office, powers, duties and privileges as set forth in this chapter.   [PL 1987, […]

30-A §3506. Officers; meetings; employees

§3506. Officers; meetings; employees 1.  Officers; bylaws.  The directors shall elect from among their members a president, treasurer, clerk and any other officers that they desire and shall adopt bylaws and regulations for the conduct of the district’s affairs.   [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. C, §106 […]

30-A §3507. Interest in contracts

§3507. Interest in contracts No director, officer or employee of the district may be interested directly or indirectly in any contract entered into by or in behalf of a district for work or material, or the purchase of material, or in any property acquired or to be acquired by the district. All contracts made in […]

30-A §3508. Certificate of organization

§3508. Certificate of organization After its organization, the district shall file a certificate with the Secretary of State setting forth the following information:   [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. C, §106 (NEW); PL 1989, c. 6 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 9, §2 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 104, […]

30-A §3509. Powers of directors

§3509. Powers of directors For the purpose of providing mass transportation services wholly or partially within the municipalities comprising the district, the directors of a district may:   [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. C, §106 (NEW); PL 1989, c. 6 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 9, §2 (AMD); […]

30-A §3510. Eminent domain; appeal

§3510. Eminent domain; appeal A district may acquire for the public purposes of a district by purchase or by the exercise of the power of eminent domain any and all real property of any person, including the real and personal property and franchise of any person operating a local mass transportation service within any municipality […]

30-A §3511. Exempt from taxation; fuel tax refund

§3511. Exempt from taxation; fuel tax refund The property, both real and personal, of a district, whether held and operated by itself or leased to a private operator, for the purpose of providing mass transportation as provided in this chapter, is exempt from all registration fees, real, personal, excise, sales and use, and any other […]

30-A §3512. Notes; securities

§3512. Notes; securities 1.  Securities defined.  As used in this section, “securities” means negotiable bonds or notes issued by the district, including temporary notes.   [PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2 (NEW); PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. C, §106 (NEW); PL 1989, c. 6 (AMD); PL 1989, c. 9, §2 (AMD); PL 1989, c. […]

30-A §3513. Collective bargaining; rights of employees

§3513. Collective bargaining; rights of employees 1.  Bargaining authorized; contracts.  The directors of a district may bargain collectively and enter into written contracts with duly authorized labor organizations representing employees other than executive, administrative or professional personnel. These contracts may provide for wages, salaries, hours, working conditions and benefits, including, but not limited to, provisions […]

30-A §3514. Limitation on charter service

§3514. Limitation on charter service Charter service provided by the district must originate or terminate at some point within that district. Charter service provided by a district is in all respects subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission in the same manner and to the same extent as private companies providing charter service, […]

30-A §3515. Routes and fares; sinking fund

§3515. Routes and fares; sinking fund 1.  Establishment of routes and fares.  Except as provided in paragraphs A and B, the directors of a district shall establish such routes and fix such rates of fare to be charged for the mass transportation service as will, to the extent possible, reasonably ensure sufficient income to meet […]

30-A §3516. Estimate of expenditures; contributions; budget

§3516. Estimate of expenditures; contributions; budget 1.  Estimate of expenditures and revenues.  By November 1st of each year, the board of directors shall prepare and submit to the municipal officers of the municipalities comprising the district an itemized estimate of expenditures and revenues for the following calendar year, which shall be the fiscal year. This […]

30-A §3517. Warrant for taxes

§3517. Warrant for taxes Before April 1st of each year, the directors shall issue their warrant in the same form as the warrant of the Treasurer of State for taxes, with proper changes, to the assessors of the municipalities comprising the district. The warrant shall require the municipalities to assess the sum allocated to each […]

30-A §3518. Withdrawal

§3518. Withdrawal A municipality may withdraw from the district at the end of a fiscal year provided that it has given the board of directors at least one year’s written notice of its intention to do so. The municipality must pay its proportionate share of the current indebtedness of the district before withdrawal and must […]

30-A §3519. Dissolution

§3519. Dissolution At such time as a district has discharged all of its obligations and paid or provided for the payment of all of its bonded indebtedness, the board of directors may, by 2/3 vote of its membership, dissolve the district and dispose of all of its property, real and personal, in the manner authorized […]