§4365-A. Municipal opt-in The provisions of this subchapter do not apply to a municipality unless the municipality has adopted an ordinance that specifically adopts by reference the provisions of this subchapter. Nothing in this subchapter limits the home rule authority of municipalities to adopt ordinances on the same subject matter as this subchapter. [PL […]
§4365. Short title This subchapter may be known and cited as “the Informed Growth Act.” [PL 2007, c. 347, §1 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 2007, c. 347, §1 (NEW).
§4366. Definitions As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 2007, c. 347, §1 (NEW).] 1. Comprehensive economic impact area. “Comprehensive economic impact area” means the geographic area affected by a proposed large-scale retail development. This area includes the municipality and abutting municipalities. […]
§4367. Preparation of comprehensive economic impact study As part of its review of a land use permit application for a large-scale retail development, a municipal reviewing authority shall require the preparation of a comprehensive economic impact study. [PL 2007, c. 347, §1 (NEW).] 1. Qualified preparer. A comprehensive economic impact study must be prepared […]
§4368. Public hearing 1. Public participation required. The municipal reviewing authority shall provide the public with an adequate opportunity to be heard prior to the approval of a permit for a large-scale retail development. [PL 2007, c. 347, §1 (NEW).] 2. Notice. Notice of the public hearing on the land use permit application must […]
§4369. Land use permit approval The municipal reviewing authority shall evaluate the impacts of the proposed large-scale retail development based on the comprehensive economic impact study; other materials submitted to the municipal reviewing authority by any person, including the applicant, state agencies, nonprofit organizations and members of the public; and testimony received during the public […]
§4370. Appeal The provisions of this subchapter granting persons, municipalities, the State and other entities the opportunity to provide input on a municipal land use permit or approval do not, and may not be interpreted to, authorize persons or entities who would not, absent the provisions of this subchapter, have an interest in or otherwise […]
§4371. Exemption (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2007, c. 347, §1 (NEW). PL 2009, c. 260, §1 (RPR). PL 2011, c. 89, §7 (RP).
§4372. Existing structure This subchapter does not apply to a retail business establishment proposing to occupy an existing building in which the most recent occupant was a large-scale retail development as long as no increase greater than 20,000 square feet in gross floor area is proposed. [PL 2009, c. 549, §2 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY […]