§1051. Duty of finder of money or goods worth $3 or more Whoever finds lost money or goods of the value of $3 or more shall, if the owner is unknown, within 7 days give notice thereof in writing to the clerk of the town where the money or goods are found and post a […]
§1052. Taking up stray beasts; notice (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2019, c. 437, §7 (RP).
§1053. Appraisal if value $10 or more A finder of lost goods of the value of $10 or more shall, within 2 months after finding and before using the lost goods to the disadvantage of the owner, procure a warrant from the town clerk or a notary public, directed to 2 persons appointed by the […]
§1054. Restitution to appearing owner; money or goods If the owner of lost money or goods appears within 6 months after notice to the town clerk under section 1051 is made by the finder and gives reasonable evidence of ownership to the finder, the owner must have restitution or the value of the lost money […]
§1055. – strays (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2019, c. 437, §10 (RP).
§1056. Finder’s rights when no owner appears If no owner appears within 6 months, such money or lost goods shall belong to the finder by paying 1/2 their value after deducting all necessary charges to the treasurer of said town; but if he neglects to pay it on demand, it may be recovered in an […]
§1057. Sale of strays when no owner appears (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2019, c. 437, §11 (RP).
§1058. Failure to give notice; penalty If the finder of lost money or goods of the value of $3 or more neglects to give notice to the town clerk and to cause the lost money or goods to be advertised as provided under section 1051, the finder forfeits to the owner the full value of […]
§1059. Recovery of strays without paying charges; penalty (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2019, c. 437, §13 (RP).
§1060. Damages by animals; remedy; lien (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2019, c. 437, §13 (RP).