US Lawyer Database

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37-B §261. Officers provide own uniforms and equipment

§261. Officers provide own uniforms and equipment All commissioned officers and warrant officers in the state military forces shall provide themselves with uniforms and equipment required by federal regulation. The Adjutant General may purchase and issue as state property on memorandum receipt or sell for cash to these officers the necessary uniforms and equipment.   […]

37-B §262. Exemption from attachment and distress

§262. Exemption from attachment and distress The clothes, arms, military outfit and accoutrements furnished by or through the State to, or required of, a member of the state military forces are not subject to any civil action, distress, execution or sale for debt or payment of taxes.   [PL 1983, c. 460, §3 (NEW).] SECTION […]

37-B §263. Repair of equipment

§263. Repair of equipment The Adjutant General shall make arrangements for the necessary repair, cleansing and renovation of all clothes, arms, military outfits or accoutrements of the state military forces. If the repair, cleansing or renovation is due to the negligence of a member, the cost shall be charged against pay due, or to become […]

37-B §264. Inspection and condemnation

§264. Inspection and condemnation 1.  Sale of property; proceeds.  The Adjutant General shall designate an officer to inspect military property, real and personal, and may condemn any inspected property that the Adjutant General determines to be unfit for use by the military. Property condemned under this subsection may be sold by the Adjutant General. Real […]

37-B §266. Prohibited acts

§266. Prohibited acts 1.  Destruction of equipment.  The penalties for destruction of equipment are as follows.   A. Any person who knowingly or recklessly destroys, injures or defaces any article of military property belonging to the State or the United States, or uses it for an unauthorized purpose, or has or retains the property in […]