§121. Marking; inspection and renewal Every boat or lighter employed in carrying stones, sand or gravel shall be marked at light-water mark, and at least 5 other places, with the figures 4, 12, 16, 24 and 30, legibly made on the stem and sternpost thereof, expressing the weight which such boat or lighter is capable […]
§122. Use without marks or false marks; penalty A master or owner who uses the master’s or owner’s craft without such marks prescribed in section 121 and any person who falsely marks any such boat or lighter forfeits $50 to be recovered by any prosecutor in a civil action. [RR 2021, c. 2, Pt. […]
§123. Appointment of inspectors; fees; remarking of boats The municipal officers of every town where boats and lighters are employed for the purposes set forth in section 121 shall annually, in April or May, appoint some suitable person to be sworn to examine and ascertain the capacities of all such boats and lighters, and mark […]
§124. Unlawful disposal or taking of ballast The master of any vessel who shall throw overboard ballast in any road, port or harbor commits a civil violation for which a forfeiture of $60 may be adjudged. Any person who shall take any stone or other ballast from any island, beach or other land, without consent […]