§1036. Trustees All of the affairs of a standard district must be managed by a board of trustees whose members must be residents of the standard district. The number of trustees must be specified in the standard district’s charter and may not be less than 3. After selection of the first board, each trustee is […]
§1037. Coordination with municipal planning; applicable to all sewer districts The following provisions facilitate coordination of municipal planning and sewer extension planning. [PL 2013, c. 555, §6 (NEW).] 1. Growth management. The trustees of a sewer district shall cooperate with municipal officials in the development of municipal growth management and other land use plans […]
§1038. Reorganization as sanitary districts A sewer district existing on January 1, 2013 may, but is not required to, reorganize as a sanitary district under the Maine Sanitary District Enabling Act by referendum in accordance with section 1101, subsection 1-A. The referendum may be initiated by the voters or by a majority of the trustees. […]