§1201. Bonds and notes 1. Authorization of bonds. Any sanitary district formed under this chapter may provide by resolution of its board of trustees, without district vote, except as provided in subsection 10, for the borrowing of money and the issuance from time to time of bonds for any of its corporate purposes, including, but […]
§1202-A. Impact fees and connection fees; affordable housing Notwithstanding section 1202, the trustees may reduce the impact fee or connection fee, as those terms are defined in Title 30-A, section 5061, for sewer service to newly constructed affordable housing in accordance with Title 30-A, chapter 202-A. [PL 2007, c. 174, §4 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY […]
§1202. Rates All persons, firms and corporations, whether public, private or municipal, shall pay to the treasurer of any district formed under this chapter the rates, tolls, rents, entrance charges and other lawful charges established by the trustees for the sewer or drainage service used or available with respect to their real estate, which rates […]
§1203. Assessments When any sanitary district formed under this chapter has constructed and completed a common sewer, the trustees may, if they so determine, in order to defray a portion of the expense thereof, determine what lots or parcels of land are benefited by such sewer, and estimate and assess upon such lots and parcels […]
§1204. Appeal on assessment Any person aggrieved by the decision of said trustees as it relates to any assessment for sewer construction under section 1203 shall have the same rights of appeal as are provided in the case of laying out of town ways. [PL 1965, c. 310 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1965, c. […]
§1205. Lien for unpaid assessments All assessments made under section 1203 create a lien upon each and every lot or parcel of land so assessed and the buildings upon the same. The lien takes effect when the trustees file with the clerk of the district the completed assessment, and continues for one year thereafter. Within […]
§1206. Civil action for unpaid assessments If assessments under section 1203 are not paid, and any such district does not proceed to collect unpaid assessments by proceedings as prescribed in section 1205, or does not collect or is in any manner delayed or defeated in collecting such assessments by proceedings under section 1205, then the […]
§1207-A. Landlord access to tenant bill payment information If a tenant is billed for sewer service provided to property rented by the tenant and nonpayment for the service may result in a lien against the property, the sanitary district shall provide to the landlord or the landlord’s agent, on request of the landlord or the […]
§1207. Assessment paid by persons other than owner When any assessment under section 1203 shall be paid by any person against whom such assessment has been made, who is not the owner of such lot or parcel of land, then the person so paying the same shall have a lien upon such lot or parcel […]
§1208-A. Waiver of automatic foreclosure of lien mortgage 1. Waiver of sanitary district lien foreclosure. The treasurer of a district, when authorized by the trustees of the district, may waive the foreclosure of a sanitary district lien mortgage created under section 1208 by recording in the registry of deeds a waiver of foreclosure before the […]
§1208. Collection of unpaid rates There is a lien on real estate served or benefited by the sewers of any district formed under this chapter to secure the payment of rates established and due under section 1202, which arises and is perfected as services are provided and takes precedence over all other claims on such […]
§1209. Supplementary charges Any sanitary district formed under this chapter shall be authorized to impose charges, in addition to any other assessments now lawfully imposed by general law, for the use of sewers, sewer systems and treatment works, and the trustees may adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary or convenient to carry […]
§1210. Competitive bidding Any contract in excess of $2,000 between a sanitary district, whether formed under this chapter or by private and special Act of the Legislature, and a contractor for the construction of facilities located on private property for the exclusive use of a private individual and for which the private individual is required […]