§581. Declaration of findings and intent The Legislature finds and declares that air pollution exists with varying degrees of severity within this State; that such air pollution is potentially and in some cases actually dangerous to the health of the citizenry, often causes physical discomfort, injury to property and property values, discourages recreational and other […]
§582. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 1989, c. 546, §11 (AMD).] 1. Air contaminants. “Air contaminants” includes, but is not limited to, dust, fumes, gas, mist, particulate matter, smoke, vapor or any combination thereof. [PL 1989, c. 546, §11 […]
§583-A. Regulations for hearing and applications (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1975, c. 282, §1 (NEW). PL 1977, c. 300, §39 (RP).
§583-B. Classification of air quality control regions The air quality regions set forth in section 583 or portions thereof are classified as follows: [PL 1979, c. 381, §6 (NEW).] 1. Class I. Class I: A. Those federal lands which have been established as mandatory Class I areas by the Federal Clean Air Act: […]
§583. Establishment of air quality regions The board may establish reasonable air quality regions within the State for the purposes of conducting air quality studies, and establishing reasonable ambient air quality standards and emission standards therein. [PL 1975, c. 618, §12 (AMD).] The following air quality regions, established by the board are adopted: […]
§584-A. Ambient air quality standards For purposes of statutory interpretation, rules, licensing determinations, policy guidance and all other actions by the department or the board, any reference to an ambient air quality standard is interpreted to refer to the national ambient air quality standard established pursuant to Section 109 of the federal Clean Air Act, […]
§584-B. Establishment of ambient increments — Class I regions In addition to the ambient air quality standards set forth in section 584‑A, any Class I region or part thereof within the State, including those federal lands designated by the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, is subject to a maximum allowable increase in concentration […]
§584-C. Establishment of ambient increments — Class II regions In addition to the ambient air quality standards set forth in section 584‑A, any Class II region or part thereof within the State is subject to a maximum allowable increase in concentration of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides over the baseline concentration of that […]
§584-D. Establishment of ambient increments — Class III regions In addition to the ambient air quality standards set forth in section 584‑A, any Class III region or part thereof within the State is subject to a maximum allowable increase in concentration of particulate matter , sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide over the baseline concentration of […]
§584-E. Exclusions from applicable increments — Class I, II and III regions 1. Exclusions from applicable increments. The following concentrations shall be excluded in determining compliance with applicable increments: A. Concentrations of such pollutant attributable to the increase in emissions from stationary sources which have converted from the use of petroleum products, or natural […]
§584-F. Ozone health warnings 1. Dissemination of warnings to media. Whenever monitored data demonstrates or the department predicts that ground-level ozone concentrations have exceeded or will exceed .08 parts per million averaged over an 8-hour period, the department shall disseminate a health warning to the mass media, including television, radio and print media, and shall […]
§584. Establishment of ambient air quality standards The board may recommend to the Legislature reasonable standards, in this chapter called “ambient air quality standards,” within a reasonable air quality region regulating and limiting the amount and types of air contaminants which may exist in the ambient air of the region. The standards shall be designed […]
§585-A. Establishment of standards The board may establish and amend regulations to implement ambient air quality standards and emission standards. These regulations shall be designed to achieve and maintain ambient air quality standards and emission standards within any region and prevent air pollution. [PL 1989, c. 144, §4 (AMD).] Prior to the establishment or […]
§585-B. Hazardous air pollutant standards 1. Standards. The board may establish and amend emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, and regulations to implement these standards. If emission standards are not feasible, the board may adopt design, equipment, work practice or operational standards for activities emitting hazardous pollutants. [PL 1989, c. 144, §5 (AMD).] 2. […]
§585-C. Hazardous air pollutant emissions inventory 1. Findings and purpose. The Legislature finds that advancing scientific knowledge increasingly demonstrates that many air pollutants may reasonably be anticipated to result in an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness to the residents of the State. Accordingly, the Legislature concludes that […]
§585-D. New motor vehicle emission standards Subject to the provisions of this section, the board may adopt and enforce standards that meet the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act, Section 177, 42 United States Code, Section 7507 relating to control of emissions from new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle engines. These standards, known […]
§585-E. Gasoline station vapor recovery requirements (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1995, c. 493, §15 (NEW). PL 2001, c. 233, §§1,2 (AMD). PL 2007, c. 559, §§1-5 (AMD). MRSA T. 38 §585-E, sub-§6 (RP).
§585-F. Motor vehicle emissions labeling program The board may adopt rules to implement a motor vehicle emissions labeling program for all new vehicles sold within the State in order to educate the public about the types and amounts of motor vehicle emissions. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules under Title 5, […]
§585-G. Motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program requirement The department shall submit to the United States Environmental Protection Agency a revision to the state implementation plan, required in the federal Clean Air Act, Section 110, 42 United States Code, Section 7410, that incorporates the motor vehicle inspection program under Title 29‑A, chapter 15, subchapter 1, […]
§585-H. MTBE monitoring and reductions (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1999, c. 709, §2 (NEW). PL 2003, c. 638, §3 (AMD). PL 2011, c. 120, §9 (RP).