§1801. Reportable diseases The commissioner shall, by rule adopted in a manner consistent with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, determine which diseases or pathogens must be classified as “reportable.” The form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy known as chronic wasting disease is reportable. It is a violation of this chapter for any owner, agent of any […]
§1802. Condemnation of diseased animals The commissioner may, when the commissioner considers it necessary, condemn and take possession of diseased or exposed domestic animals, or domestic animals suspected of being diseased or exposed, for diagnostic purposes, and may pay the owner for the same, health, condition and market value being considered. This condemnation may not […]
§1803. Transportation of diseased animals It is a violation of this chapter for a person to cause a domestic animal to be driven, trucked or otherwise moved into the State when that person has knowledge that the animal is infected with or has been exposed to any contagious disease or to a pathogen that is […]
§1804. Transportation of certain poultry prohibited (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1969, c. 33 (AMD).
§1805. Securing animals for treatment It is a violation of this chapter for an owner of domestic animals or that owner’s agent to refuse or neglect to secure and restrain domestic animals to be tested, vaccinated, branded or tattooed to indicate vaccination or infection status, or otherwise treated as the commissioner may direct. [PL […]
§1806-A. Restrictions of sales The commissioner may restrict the sale of milk or milk products in the State from any herd of any species having any reportable disease or exposed to a reportable pathogen that may be transmitted in milk or milk products. A livestock product or byproduct may not be sold or offered for […]
§1806. Disease control notifications It is a violation of this chapter to tamper with, remove or alter eartags, labels, placards or notices affixed or posted by the commissioner to notify of and assist in the control of disease. [PL 2001, c. 572, §34 (AMD).] SECTION HISTORY PL 2001, c. 572, §34 (AMD).
§1807. Illegal vaccinations 1. Brucellosis vaccine. A person other than a licensed veterinarian may not vaccinate cattle with brucellosis vaccine. A licensed veterinarian may not vaccinate cattle with brucellosis vaccine unless: A. The vaccine used has been approved by the commissioner; and [PL 2001, c. 572, §36 (NEW).] B. The vaccine is administered […]
§1808-A. Direct purchase of rabies vaccine A veterinarian licensed in this State may sell rabies vaccine to a person who owns cattle, sheep, goats or cervids as defined in section 1333. A veterinarian who sells rabies vaccine in accordance with this section is not, as a result of selling the vaccine, liable for claims arising […]
§1808. Sale, distribution and use of certain biologics A biological product capable of eliciting an immunological response offered for use in the treatment or prevention of diseases of domestic animals may not be produced, sold, distributed, imported or used within the State, or imported into the State for sale, distribution or use unless approval and […]
§1809. Permits for state entry 1. Permit required. The commissioner may require a person who imports animals or avian hatching eggs into the State to obtain a permit before the time of entry. When a permit is required, the permit or permit number must accompany the shipment. The commissioner may refuse to grant a permit […]
§1810. Agreements The commissioner is authorized to enter into agreements of cooperation in the name of the State with the United States Department of Agriculture, other states, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Canadian provinces for the prevention, control and eradication of diseases among domestic animals. [PL 2001, c. 572, §39 (AMD).] SECTION HISTORY […]
§1811. Health requirements for exhibit animals All domestic animals that are to be shown or exhibited in any agricultural show within the State must meet the health requirements of the rules of the commissioner. [PL 2001, c. 572, §39 (AMD).] SECTION HISTORY PL 2001, c. 572, §39 (AMD).
§1812-A. Brucellosis in swine The commissioner shall, in a manner consistent with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, formulate and implement rules for the prevention, control and eradication of brucellosis in swine. Where infection has been found, all swine must be quarantined to the premises until all swine in the infected herd are in compliance with […]
§1812. Brucellosis The commissioner shall, in a manner consistent with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, chapter 375, formulate and implement rules, regulations and methods of procedure generally adopted for the prevention, control and eradication of brucellosis. [PL 1981, c. 197, §2 (AMD).] Cattle brought into the State may enter pursuant to the […]
§1813. Vesicular exanthema — Definitions As used in sections 1813 to 1815, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall have the following meanings. [PL 1979, c. 541, Pt. A, §69 (AMD).] 1. Garbage. “Garbage” means all waste material derived in whole or in part from the meat of any animal, including fish […]
§1814-A. License to feed garbage 1. License required. A person may not feed garbage to swine without first procuring a license from the commissioner. A license may be procured annually for a fee of $25 and must be renewed on the first day of June of each succeeding year. This section does not apply to […]
§1814. — license to feed garbage (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1979, c. 541, §A70 (AMD). PL 2001, c. 572, §45 (RP).
§1815. Disposal of infected animals Any animal infected with or exposed to foot and mouth disease must be killed, buried, destroyed, rendered, processed or otherwise disposed of under the direct supervision of the commissioner or the commissioner’s duly authorized agent. [RR 2021, c. 1, Pt. B, §129 (COR).] SECTION HISTORY RR 2021, c. 1, […]
§1816. Tests and equipment The commissioner or the commissioner’s agent is authorized to conduct approved diagnostic tests, procure necessary animals, personnel, equipment and facilities and take other necessary precautions for the suppression and eradication of any disease among domestic animals. [RR 2021, c. 1, Pt. B, §130 (COR).] SECTION HISTORY RR 2021, c. 1, […]