Section 11-401 – Established
There is a Special Fund.
There is a Special Fund.
The Special Fund consists of: (1) the State share of daily licensee fees; (2) pari–mutuel taxes; (3) the impact aid under § 11–812 of this title; (4) money from uncashed pari–mutuel tickets that are from bets made into the betting pools of licensees; (5) any permit fees under §§ 11–820 and 11–832 of this title; and (6) subject to § 11–403(a)(9) […]
(a) The Comptroller shall pay from the Special Fund an annual grant of: (1) $825,000 to the Maryland Agricultural Fair Board to promote State and county agricultural fairs and exhibits; (2) $100,000 to Prince George’s County to replace money formerly received from the admissions and amusement tax; (3) $40,000 to the Great Frederick Fair to support exhibition harness racing […]
(a) (1) To help pay for facilities and services in communities within 2 miles of the Pimlico Race Course or 3 miles of the Laurel Race Course, the Comptroller shall pay money to Baltimore City, the City of Laurel, and Anne Arundel and Howard counties in accordance with this section. (2) The money shall be paid from the […]
(a) If in any fiscal year revenues to the Special Fund established under § 11–402 of this subtitle are insufficient to fully fund all grants required under §§ 11–403 and 11–404 of this subtitle, the Comptroller shall proportionally reduce the amount of payments required under §§ 11–403(a)(2) and (4), 11–403(c)(2), and 11–404 of this subtitle. (b) If […]
(a) The fiscal officer of each subdivision that is eligible to receive money under § 11-404 of this subtitle shall submit a written certification to the Comptroller and, subject to § 2-1257 of the State Government Article, the Department of Legislative Services on or before November 1 of each year. (b) The fiscal officer’s certification shall state: […]
After all deductions from the Special Fund as required by §§ 11-403, 11-404, and 11-404.1 of this subtitle are made, money that remains in the Special Fund shall be allocated in the following way: (1) 50% to the Maryland Agricultural Education and Rural Development Assistance Fund established under § 2-206 of the State Finance and Procurement […]