(a) A person may not harm another, threaten to harm another, or damage or destroy property with the intent to: (1) influence a victim or witness to testify falsely or withhold testimony; or (2) induce a victim or witness: (i) to avoid the service of a subpoena or summons to testify; (ii) to be absent from an official proceeding to […]
(a) A person may not intentionally harm another, threaten to harm another, or damage or destroy property with the intent of retaliating against: (1) a victim or witness for: (i) giving testimony in an official proceeding; or (ii) reporting a crime or delinquent act; (2) a juror for any reason relating to the performance of the juror’s official duties in […]
(a) A finding of good cause under this section may be based on any relevant evidence including credible hearsay. (b) (1) For good cause shown, a court with jurisdiction over a criminal matter or juvenile delinquency case may pass an order that is reasonably necessary to stop or prevent: (i) the intimidation of a victim or witness; or (ii) a […]
(a) A person may not, by threat, force, or corrupt means, try to influence, intimidate, or impede a juror, a witness, or an officer of a court of the State or of the United States in the performance of the person’s official duties. (b) A person may not solicit another person to, by threat, force, or corrupt […]
(a) A person may not, by threat, force, or corrupt means, obstruct, impede, or try to obstruct or impede the administration of justice in a court of the State. (b) A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or a fine not exceeding […]
(a) A person may not destroy, alter, conceal, or remove physical evidence that the person believes may be used in a pending or future official proceeding with the intent to impair the verity or availability of the physical evidence in the official proceeding. (b) A person may not fabricate physical evidence in order to impair the verity […]