(a) In Part II of this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) (1) “Defendant” means a person charged with or convicted of a crime in the State that involves or causes personal injury, death, or property loss as a direct result of the crime. (2) “Defendant” includes a person found not criminally responsible for criminal conduct […]
A person who makes a notoriety of crimes contract with a defendant or a representative or assignee of that defendant shall: (1) submit to the Attorney General a copy of all written terms and a summary of all oral terms of the notoriety of crimes contract; and (2) pay over to the Attorney General any money or […]
(a) On receipt of a submission under § 11-622 of Part II of this subtitle, the Attorney General shall mail notice of the receipt to each victim or victim’s representative at the last known address of the victim or victim’s representative. (b) The Attorney General shall decide whether a contract is a notoriety of crimes contract: (1) after […]
(a) The Attorney General shall deposit money received under this subtitle in an interest bearing escrow account. (b) Except as provided in § 11-625 of Part II of this subtitle and subsection (e) of this section, the Attorney General shall hold money for the benefit of and payable to the victim or victim’s representative, as provided in […]
(a) The Attorney General shall pay the defendant from the escrow account the money that a court of competent jurisdiction in an order finds will be used to hire legal counsel at any stage of the criminal case, including an appeal. (b) After notice to each victim or victim’s representative, the Attorney General shall pay money from […]
Notwithstanding any other law, including the statute of limitations for a wrongful death action, a victim or victim’s representative who seeks to bring a civil action under Part II of this subtitle shall bring the action against a defendant within 5 years after the Attorney General establishes an escrow account.
Any action that a defendant takes to defeat the purpose of Part II of this subtitle, including an execution of a power of attorney, creation of a corporate entity, or designation of the defendant’s interest, is void as against public policy.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law, a claim on money in the escrow account has the following priorities in this order: (1) payments ordered by the Attorney General or a court under § 11-625 of Part II of this subtitle; (2) subrogation claims of the State under § 11-817 of this title; (3) a court order of restitution under § […]
(a) Notwithstanding any other law, the Attorney General has exclusive jurisdiction and control as escrow agent over money or other consideration subject to Part II of this subtitle. (b) Money in an escrow account may be distributed only by a determination and order of the Attorney General under Part II of this subtitle. (c) The Attorney General may […]
A person aggrieved by a final determination and order of the Attorney General under Part II of this subtitle may seek judicial review.
(a) A person may not willfully fail: (1) to submit to the Attorney General a copy of all written terms and a summary of all oral terms of a notoriety of crimes contract described in § 11-622 of Part II of this subtitle; or (2) to pay over to the Attorney General any money or other consideration as […]
(a) The Attorney General may bring a proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction against a person who violates or threatens to violate Part II of this subtitle to restrain the person from continuing the violation or carrying out the threat. (b) In a proceeding under this section, a court has jurisdiction to grant to the Attorney […]
A person may not: (1) conceal the existence of a notoriety of crimes contract; or (2) except as otherwise provided in Part II of this subtitle, make or receive payments under a notoriety of crimes contract.