Section 11-101 – Established
There is a Maryland Higher Education Commission.
There is a Maryland Higher Education Commission.
(a) The Commission consists of 12 members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. (b) (1) One member of the Commission shall be: (i) A regularly enrolled student in good standing at a Maryland institution of higher education to which the Commission has issued a certificate of approval under this title or that may […]
(a) Each year from among the members of the Commission: (1) The Governor shall designate a chairperson; and (2) The Commission shall elect other officers as it requires. (b) (1) The Commission shall meet regularly at such times and places as it determines. (2) A majority of the members then serving on the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction […]
(a) (1) In accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Governor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, a Secretary of Higher Education. (2) (i) The Commission shall submit to the Governor the names of 3 nominees for the position of Secretary from which the Governor shall make the appointment. (ii) The Governor may reject the […]
(a) In addition to any other powers granted and duties imposed by this title and subject to any restrictions imposed by law, the Commission has the powers and duties set forth in this section. (b) (1) The Commission shall coordinate the overall growth and development of postsecondary education in the State. (2) (i) In consultation with the governing boards and […]
(a) (1) The Commission shall establish: (i) A Faculty Advisory Council; (ii) A Student Advisory Council; (iii) A Segmental Advisory Council; (iv) A Financial Assistance Advisory Council; (v) A Maryland Digital Library Advisory Council; and (vi) A Private Career School Advisory Council. (2) These Councils shall meet periodically for the purpose of reviewing such matters as are referred by the Commission or the Secretary […]
// EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 2022 PER CHAPTER 327 OF 2012 // (a) There is a Student Transfer Advisory Committee. (b) The Committee consists of the following members: (1) The Secretary of Higher Education, or the Secretary’s designee; (2) The Chancellor of the University System of Maryland, or the Chancellor’s designee; (3) The President of St. Mary’s College of Maryland, […]
(a) The Commission may authorize the Secretary, acting through the Attorney General, to seek an injunction or other judicial remedy for any violation of this title or of the rules and regulations adopted under this title. (b) (1) If an institution of postsecondary education is required to have a certificate of approval from the Commission and is operating […]