(a) A person who is the owner of land bounding on navigable water is entitled to any natural accretion to the person’s land, to reclaim fast land lost by erosion or avulsion during the person’s ownership of the land to the extent of provable existing boundaries. The person may make improvements into the water in front […]
(a) A person may not dredge or fill on State wetlands without a license. (b) To apply for a license, the applicant shall submit a delineation of the affected tidal wetlands and all other information required by the Department. (c) (1) Subject to paragraph (3) of this subsection, within 45 days from receipt of the application, the Department shall […]
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a landowner shall be exempt from all local permit requirements to perform routine maintenance and repair of a bulkhead.
(a) Any person that satisfies subsection (b) of this section may petition the circuit court in the county where the land is located within 30 days after receiving the decision of the Board. The appeal shall be heard on the record compiled before the Board. (b) A party has standing to file a petition under subsection (a) […]
(a) The Board may require as a condition to issuance of a wetlands license that compensation be made to the State, of a kind and in an amount deemed appropriate by the Board. (b) (1) The Board shall establish a compensation rate for cables, pipelines, or similar structures in accordance with this subsection. (2) The minimum compensation rate: (i) Is […]