Susquehanna River Basin Compact Preamble Whereas the signatory parties hereto recognize the water resources of the Susquehanna River Basin as regional assets vested with local, state, and national interest for which they have a joint responsibility; and declare as follows: 1. The conservation, utilization, development, management, and control of the water resources of the Susquehanna River […]
(a) There is a commission consisting of 3 members to act jointly with commissions appointed for like purposes by the state of West Virginia, the commonwealths of Pennsylvania and Virginia, the District of Columbia, and an additional 3 members to be appointed by the President of the United States and which, together with the other commissions […]
The Governor of the State shall appoint an alternate member for each of the 3 members of the Commission for the State of Maryland created by § 5-303 of this subtitle. Each alternate shall have power to act in the absence of the person for whom he is alternate. The term of each alternate runs […]