(a) The Department is responsible for developing and carrying out a long range program for controlling flood waters in the State. In addition, the Department shall cooperate with the federal and local governments to control State flood waters and serve in a liaison capacity to these governments in any flood control matter. (b) The Department shall provide […]
(a) When need arises in the State for water-supply storage or storage for streamflow regulation for quality control, either or both of which can be provided by a federally constructed reservoir, and cost of storage is nonreimbursable when used for streamflow regulation, or is to be repaid by nonfederal interest when used for water supply, the […]
In carrying out its responsibility for water resources planning, development, and management, the Department shall cooperate with federal, State, and local agencies in any water resources project or program affecting waters of the State. The Department shall administer available financial assistance for these projects or programs. In furtherance of the Department’s responsibility under this section, […]
When the General Assembly determines that it is necessary to acquire interests or rights in real property for sound and proper land and watershed management or for any other purpose in the public interest, the State may acquire these interests or rights by purchase, gift, grant, or lease of any property interest. To achieve these […]