(a) The General Assembly finds that nontidal wetlands play important roles in the preservation and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and other waters of the State. Nontidal wetlands serve important roles through the reduction of pollutant loadings, including excess nutrients, sediment, and toxics, the attenuation of floodwaters and stormwaters, shoreline stabilization and erosion control, waterfowl breeding […]
(a) There is a statewide program within the Department for the conservation, regulation, enhancement, creation, monitoring, and wise use of nontidal wetlands. (b) The Department shall: (1) Coordinate with other State agencies, federal agencies, other states, local governments, and interested persons in the regulation of nontidal wetlands; (2) Assist local governments in undertaking nontidal wetland management planning, including mapping, […]
(a) (1) The Department may delegate all or part of its authority under this subtitle to any county that enacts a nontidal wetland protection program by December 31, 1994 that meets at least the minimum standards adopted by the Department. (2) (i) After December 31, 1994, the Department may delegate all or part of its authority under this subtitle […]
(a) The following agricultural and forestry activities are exempt from the approval and mitigation requirements of this section: (1) Agricultural activities undertaken in accordance with public drainage regulations; (2) Agricultural and forestry activities, including the repair and maintenance of farm ponds, drainage ditches, channels, subsurface drains, causeways, bridges, or water control structures, provided that they do not drain, […]
(a) The following types of activities shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this section if notice is given to the Department and best management practices are implemented: (1) Activities which normally occur in nontidal wetlands with minimal impact on nontidal wetlands, including the repair and maintenance of existing structures, utilities, including underground utilities, rights-of-way, and […]
(a) The Department may not issue a nontidal wetland permit for a regulated activity unless the Department finds that the applicant has demonstrated that the regulated activity: (1) (i) Is water dependent and requires access to the nontidal wetland as a central element of its basic function; or (ii) Is not water dependent and has no practicable alternative; (2) Will […]
In cooperation with other State, local, and federal agencies, the Department may prepare comprehensive watershed management plans which address nontidal wetland protection, creation, and restoration, cumulative impacts, flood protection, and water supply concerns. Completed watershed management plans will be used as the basis for consistent permitting decisions and creating and restoring nontidal wetlands.
(a) An applicant shall take all necessary steps to first avoid significant impairment and then minimize losses of nontidal wetlands. If the applicant demonstrates to the Department’s satisfaction that all necessary steps were taken and losses or significant impairment of nontidal wetlands are unavoidable, the Department shall require the applicant to adopt mitigation practices. (b) (1) By December […]
(a) The General Assembly declares that: (1) In the application review process, one of the primary mitigation issues is locating the most beneficial area to conduct wetland restoration, creation, or enhancement; (2) Where unavoidable losses or degradations occur as a result of permitted human activity, there exists a sequential process for mitigation site location which includes consideration of […]
(a) (1) The enforcement provisions in this section are in addition to any other applicable provisions in this title. (2) In addition to the enforcement authority granted the Department, the enforcement provisions of this section may be exercised by any county that has program delegation authority. (b) The Department may revoke a permit for cause, including violation of permit […]