(a) A county is authorized to establish a domestic violence fatality review team. (b) In a county, the State’s Attorney, the head of the primary law enforcement agency, or the director of the domestic violence program may organize a local team.
(a) The members of a local team shall be drawn from the following persons, organizations, agencies, and areas of expertise, from within the county, as available: (1) domestic violence service providers; (2) law enforcement agencies; (3) the State’s Attorney’s office; (4) the local health department; (5) the local department of social services; (6) the domestic violence coordinating council; (7) batterer intervention services providers; […]
(a) The purpose of a local team is to prevent deaths related to domestic violence by: (1) promoting cooperation and coordination among agencies involved in: (i) investigating deaths related to domestic violence; or (ii) providing services to victims of domestic violence, abusers, or surviving family members; (2) developing an understanding of the causes and incidence of deaths related to domestic […]
On request of the chair of a local team and as necessary to carry out the local team’s purpose and duties under this subtitle, the local team shall be immediately provided: (1) with access to information and records by a provider of medical care, including dental and mental health care, regarding a person whose death or […]
(a) Meetings of a local team shall be closed to the public and not subject to Title 3 of the General Provisions Article when the local team is discussing individual cases. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, meetings of a local team shall be open to the public and subject to Title 3 […]
(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, all information and records acquired by a local team in the exercise of its purpose and duties under this subtitle: (1) are confidential; (2) are exempt from disclosure under Title 4 of the General Provisions Article; and (3) may only be disclosed as necessary to carry out […]